Chapter 16: An army and a flashback

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is late!

Harry POV

Strong winds flew past me, pushing against my skin. Thick fog floated in the air around me. The farthest I could see was a few feet in front of me. Cold beads of water rested on my skin. My eyes drifted closed as I reached out with my magic.

I began to fall steadily slower. As I came to a stop I opened my eyes. I was around 50 feet off the ground and the fog was gone.  I was floating above a pit. Light was reflecting off of hundreds... No thousands of silver masks as they moved around.

The masked people were shooting spell after spell at moving targets. They moved flawlessly, shooting perfect spells with such force that new targets were being created from air constantly to keep up with the others breaking.

Not a sound was heard coming from a single one of them. They were all using non-verbal spells. After a few more minutes of practicing they all suddenly stopped. Every Death Eater in the middle of the pit moved away.

A throne began to rise from the ground, spinning as it came up. It stopped after a few seconds and I had a clear view on the person. My Sister.

I woke up suddenly and thought about what I had just seen. A Death Eater army... Led by my younger sister. I thought about when I learned she existed.


As I looked through a magical photo album found in the wreckage of my parent's house I noticed something. My mom was pregnant in all the photos leading up until a few days before she died. I flipped through to the last page and saw something that would change my life forever.

The picture was of me and a newborn girl. My arms were around her and I was grinning widely. The magic of the photo album was that it listed the names,age in the picture,birthdate and deathdate.

In emerald green letters I read,

"Harry James potter,15 months old, July 31, 1980 - Alive"

"Linda Rose Potter,3 days old, October 28  1980- Alive"

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