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Over and over again, I see the same nightmare,

"Help, I'm dying" none came for help as no one care,

With nausea and fear I'm overwhelmed,

Every night with dread I yelled.

I can't breathe, I'm suffocated,

I can't break through, I'm captivated,

I can't stop it, I'm trapped,

I can't save myself, all I see is blood.

By the dense fire I'm swallowed,

By the darkness I seem to be followed,

I run and run but its right at my heel,

I can't escape is what I start to feel,

The darkness engulfs me,

It closes around me,

But surprisingly it seems familiar and known,

Like I've been here before, its feels like home,

I realize as I wake up and for air I gasp,

The nightmare I saw throughout my past,

The nightmare I saw through all my nights,

The darkness I'm running from is my life.

~Poet's Note~

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