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The next game was in 2 days. Roger couldn't tell if he was excited or nervous. Maybe a mixture of both?


Game night came quick. Before Roger knew it he was standing in the locker room waiting for the game to start. John and Brian sat with Roger until they had to get on the court.

Before the two boys left Roger, Brian gave the blonde boy a quick hug. Roger smiled, "I can't believe you willingly touched this bear suit. It smells like shit." Roger joked. "I can live with it." Brian stated before he ran onto the court.

Roger placed the large mask on his head. Here we go again, Roger thought before he skipped onto the court.

The crowd cheered at Roger's arrival. Is this what being famous feels like? Roger thought. Roger did what he did last time. Jump, fistbump, kick, got the crowd as excited as he can get them.

Brian got the 1st point. Then the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, the 6th. He was getting points after points. He was unstoppable. Roger stared at the brunette boy in awe. Roger's never seen anything like it.

Brian still looked insanly attractive even though he was sweating like a maniac. You could see his chest move up and down from how hard and fast he was breathing. Beads of sweat dripped down his red face.

Roger never understood why people thought sweat was attractive until now. The way Brian's jersey stuck slightly to his back, his red face, his open, panting mouth. It was a sight to see.

Freddie was at this game too. Everytime Roger looked over to Freddie he was staring directly at John. Roger made a mental note to tease Freddie about his crush later.

The game quickly ended. The basketball team, including Roger, all hugged and cheered after they found out Truro won.


Roger was washing his face when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. Roger looked up and saw Freddie. "Freddie? You're not supposed to be back here." Roger said. "I don't care. I just wanted to congratulate you guys on winning again." Freddie said as he looked around the locker room. "John is normally way in the back." Roger said. "Thanks." Freddie said before running to the back of the locker room. Roger chuckled at the love sick boy.

"Hey Rog!" Brian said in an excited voice. Brian's cheeks were still slightly red from the game. "Hey superstar athlete." Roger greeted. "I wouldn't say superstar, but I appreciate it." Brian said with a smile. "You did fucking amazing tonight." Roger complimented. "You did too." Brian shot back. "My job is easy. I just run around a bunch in an ugly suit. You actualy do things." Roger pointed out. "You do things too. You're a very important part of a game." Brian reassured. "If you say so." Roger grinned.

There was a short moment of silence. "I wanted to ask you something." Brian nervously said. "What's up?" Roger questioned. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the fair with me this weekend?" Brian asked. Roger's heart stopped. Is Brian asking me out? No, people ask friends to hang out. This is completely normal, Roger thought. "Yeah, of course." Roger agreed. Brian sighed in relief. "Great. It's a date." Brian said.

A date?


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