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There was a knock at Roger's front door. "I got it! I got it! I got it!" Roger yelled as he ran to the front door.

Roger swun it open, and there he was in all of his glory. Brian. Roger jumped up to hug the tall boy. To Roger's delight, Brian picked him up and hugged him as tight as he could.

"Hi." Roger said in a breathless voice. You would be breathless too if the most gorgeous man you've ever laid your eyes on was at your front door.

"Who's this?" A voice behind Roger asked. "Hey mum. This is Brian." Roger introduced. Brian stuck out his hand, what a gentleman, and gave Roger's mother, Winifred, a firm handshake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Winifred said. "We'll be out mum. See you later." Roger said before grabbing his keys and leaving the house with Brian.

"Where are we even going?" Brian asked. "I have a place in mind." Roger stated.

Roger and Brian drove in a comfortable silence, the doors softly played on Roger's shitty radio.

"Where the hell are we?" Brian asked. "No questions." Roger stated.

Roger pulled into a large feild and stopped the car. "Here we are." Roger said before getting out of the car.

Roger sat in the middle of the feild and patted the spot in front if him signalling Brian to sit down.

"What is this place?" Brian questioned. "It's just a place I found. It might not be beautiful right now. But, in 15 minutes it will be gorgeous." Roger stated.

Roger laid down on the grass and looked up at the darkening sky. "It still is beautiful." Roger said.

Brian laid down next to the blonde boy.

"It's not the most beautiful thing I've seen." Brian admitted. "What is the most beautiful thing you've seen?" Roger asked. "You." Brian whispered.

Roger blushed and shuffled closer to Brian. "I can't tell if you're being serious or just fucking with me." Roger admitted. "Deadly serious." Brian stated.

Roger was right, when the sky darkened there were millions of stars twinkling in the sky.

Brian's eyes were wide and there was a large smile on his face. "I knew you'd like it." Roger said.

There was a short momeent of silence. "I wanted to ask you something." Brian said. "What?" Roger questioned.

Brian sat up, so Roger did the same. "Do you want to be my boyfriend? It's okay if you don't. We can keep just being friends with beifits. I'm okay with either, I'd be okay if you hated me and punched me in the face everyday. Anyways, want to be my boyfriend?" Brian said in one breath.

"Don't feel pressured to say yes. This is not peer pressure at all. Just felt like the right time to ask-" Roger silenced the blabbering boy by softly placing his lips on the brunette's lips.

Roger crawled onto Brian's lap without seperating the kiss. Roger felt surges of electricity run through his body. Roger never believed in feeling sparks when you kiss someone you love, but he believed it 100% now.

Once they pulled away they placed their foreheads together and smiled. "Is that a yes?" Brian asked. "It's a yes you big dumby." Roger teased.

"I was actually going to ask you to be my boyfriend tonight, you beat me to it." Roger said before he placed a small kiss on Brian's forehead.

Brian chuckled before he laid down. Roger flopped onto Brian's chest with a small grunt. Roger's legs were steaddling Brian's hips, and his head was under Brian's chin.

Brian traced shapes against Roger's back.

"I wish I could stay like this forever." Roger admitted. "Why can't we?" Brian asked.


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