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Brian visited Roger an hour before every game night. But, Roger wanted more. Roger wanted to call Brian his. Yeah, the making out in secret is amazing. But, it could be so much more.

Freddie was the only other person to know about this "relationship" the two boys were having. Minus Freddie, it was a complete secret. There was something so hot about having a secret as big as theirs.

The team doesn't know, Mr. Miami doesn't know, Brian's friends don't know, the two boy's parents dont know.


Roger decided to ask Freddie for relationship advice. It can either end poorly, or end brilliantly.

Roger hit Freddie's contact number and waited for Freddie to pick up.

"Hello darling!" Freddie shouted. "Hi Fred. Can you give me some advice?" Roger asked. "Of course." Freddie stated. "Should I ask Brian to be official with me?" Roger asked. "You guys aren't together?" Freddie questioned. "No." Roger admitted. "Then fucking do it already! It's been too long. It's been 3 weeks since I caught you eating each other's faces off in the locker room. You guys should have been dating that day! You need to talk to him right now. Do you have his number?" Freddie asked. "Yeah." Roger stated. "Call him. Now. Don't call me back until you do." Freddie said before hanging up.

Roger sighed and pressed Brian's contact with a shaky hand. "Hey Roggie!" Brian happily said. "Hey Bri." Brian's voice put a smile on Roger's face, he even forgot why he was so nervous.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime?" Roger asked. There was a short moment of silence, "Of course." Brian finally answered. Roger released a sigh of relief, "Oh thank God. How about you just come to my house and I'll take you anywhere, meet me at 2 tomorrow?" Roger asked. "Yeah, see you soon Rog." Brian said before he hung up.

Roger shot up to his feet and did a happy dance. "Go Roger! Go Roger! Go, go Roger!" Roger chanted to himself.


If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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