Chapter 4 - Not even oranges but freaking grapes

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"Rav......" I heard someone call but it sounded distant.



I'm gonna die...

"Rav, you're fine. Please just calm down. Nothing is happening to you. I'm here."

I opened my eyes to see Spencer hugging me. Bile rose in my throat and I chocked on a sob.

"Spence, he was going to kill me." I sobbed out. She rubbed her hand up and down my back to comfort me.

"Don't worry Rav. He can't do anything."

" wanted to burn me alive." I sobbed harder.

"Please Rav, it was just a nightmare. Just take deep breaths. Try to calm yourself down. Remember what Dr Jillian thought you. Deep"

I followed her instructions.

Breathe in....

Breathe out....

I calmed down after that. It was just a nightmare. Nothing else. There is no fire.

I hugged Spencer. "Please don't cry Rav. You screamed from your sleep and scared shit out of me. Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head and she sighed.

"I'm always here for you. I'll go get you some coffee. I'll be right back." I nodded and she left.

I sat up on my bed. This one was more realistic than the last. I stood up to brush my teeth and took the opportunity to look at my face in the mirror. Except for my puffy eyes and the small bags under, I looked okay. There wasn't any bruise on my face or body which proves the more that it was just a dream.

Spence came back shortly after with two cups of coffee and handed me one which I collected with a smile. We sat silently drinking the coffee.

"It was a memory." I said in a small voice.

"What was a memory?"

"My nightmare. It was a memory of what happened the day I was finally found."

"I'm sorry Rav. I'm sorry that you had to go through all that alone. I should have been with you that day. Instead, I was busy drinking and looking for who to make out with."

"Why are you apologizing? Nothing was your fault."

"Everything was my fault." She exclaimed. "If I had paid more attention to you that day, then nothing would have happened or maybe they would have taken both of us and you wouldn't have had to go through everything alone. I'm sorry Rav." She said and I smacked her.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"That's for being stupid and blaming yourself to what clearly isn't your fault."

I stood up from bed and went to my closet.

"What are you doing?" Spence asked.

"Buying tickets to Jupiter." I said sarcastically.

"Smartass." She muttered under her breath and I laughed.

"I'm looking for clothes. I have to go to work remember?"

"No, you're not going."

"What do you mean I'm not going?" I frowned.

"When I went to make the coffee, I called the coffee shop and told them you were sick so Stacy agreed to cover your shifts."

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