Chapter 6 - What are besties for?

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I slowly dragged my feet and my suitcase to the boarding area. The only reason why I wasn't sleep walking was because I was on my third cup of coffee.

You're addicted!

No, I'm not.....

Am I?

We'll who cares?!

"Raven hurry up. They're calling our flight" Spencer shouted. I groaned and walked faster to meet up with her.

After all the procedures were completed, we buckled up and the flight took off. It's not surprising that I fell asleep immediately the plane moved.

I was awakened by someone tapping my shoulders.

"Ma'am can you please fasten your seatbelts, we're about to land." An air hostess said. I smiled at her and nodded.

I looked beside me where Spence was snoring. Her hair covered half of her face and I could see a little bit of drool beside her lips. I stifled a laugh before waking her up. Not before taking a picture of course.

What else are besties for?

I couldn't believe I slept throughout the plane ride and was still tired. I guess it's just jet lag.

When we finally alighted the plane, it was about 8:45am because of the time difference. Cam was standing by his car waiting for us when we got out. His face broke into a huge grin immediately he saw us. Both Spence and I ran and jumped on him almost making him fall back.

"I've missed you guys so much." He said.

"We missed you too." Me and Spence said at the same time.

"Rav, did you grow bigger boobs? Wait, it's just your sweater." He laughed and I punched his shoulder while Spencer laughed.

"Owwww. What was that for?"

"It was for making me wake up by 3am today and also for the bad boob joke."

He pouted while I laughed.

He helped us put our suitcases into the trunk then opened the passenger and the backseat door. I slid into the passenger's seat while Spence sat in the back.

We dropped her off at her house before going to ours.

Marie, our house keeper opened the door for us.

She grinned at Cam and I. She looked the same except for some strands of gray hair by the side of her head that wasn't there before.

"Welcome home kiddo." She said before hugging me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Hey Marie, still looking good. Even with the evidence of old age." I snickered and she pinched my arm then laughed.

"It's a natural thing. How are you?"

"I'm good."

"No, you're lying." She countered. "Have you been eating well? Just see how skinny you look."

"No Marie, it's not called being skinny. It's called being fit."

She rolled her eyes. "Call it whatever you want. I'm happy you came. I'll make sure to fatten you up before you leave. Didn't Spencer come with you?"

"She did. We dropped her off first before coming here. She'll be here tomorrow."

"Alright pumpkin. I just finished cleaning your old room. What would you like to eat?"

"Don't worry Marie, I'll eat later. I just need to rest first."

"Okay." She said. "Cameron, why are you just standing there staring at us?"

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