The power of the mind over the body(preview)

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A/N:(Hi so I know it's been awhile from my last post but with the holidays just ending and school getting crazy, updates were *obviously* delayed, I felt really bad about not posting anything after such a big cliffhanger in the last chapter, so I made this preview for you all to know what to expect for the next chapter that will hopefully be out asap, but for now I hope you like where i'm taking things!)

*Ash's P.O.V*


Why is it so dark??,where even am I??the last thing I remember was waking up at on the couch at home this morning, and now I'm just floating in darkness what's going on her-

Whoa!, am I moving?, huh?, it feels like I'm sitting down now....

wait what?

 Just then a weird sensation flows through my body and I can feel my eyes open, only....where in the world am I?, this, the Pokémon school? How did I get here?, and... why is everything so BIG!

Huh?, is that Kiawe?, what's he doing her-"Aba bamb a"

wth?, did that just come out of MY mouth?!

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