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Eddie walked outside and saw Richie sitting at the end of the feild. Richie noticed Eddie, and gestured his hand for him to join him there.
"You better pay up"
Said Eddie.
"What do you mean?"
Asked Richie.
"You know what I mean. The reason you got me out of bed this morning."
Eddie sat down next to Richie with a pout on his face.
"Oh, right"
Richie said giggling. He held on to Eddie's hands. (Y'all, this is really awkward, idk how to write about making out) he kissed Eddie and Eddie was trying not to laugh.
"What the fuck is wrong?"
Richie said. He sounded kind of angry, but Eddie thought it was funny, and kept laughing.
"Nothing, your just so cute, and it's funny how your trying to make out  with me."
Richies face went blank. He was blushing. Eddie held his hands and went to kiss him, and it was a lot more then they had ever done before. Richie could feel tongue. (NO, NO,NO, NO I WANNA KILL MYSELF WRITING THIS)
"Damn Ed's, what happened to you?"
Richie said. Eddie giggled again, and kept kissing him. They kissed for another 10 minutes or so until they decided they should go back. They were holding hands, and kind of forgot that they were in a public place. People down the hallways were staring and laughing at them. Eddie pulled his hand away, looking embarrassed and upset. When they finally get back to the lunchroom Beverly grabs Eddie's hand and pulls him away from the rest of the group.
"So, are you guys dating?"
Eddie decided to act like he didn't know what she was talking about when he most certainly did.
"What do you mean?"
He said
"You know what I mean Eddie, are you and Richie like a thing now?"
Bev sounded really eager to know.
"Well, Bev if I tell you about me and Richie will you PROMISE, with your whole life not to tell anyone?"
Eddie couldn't believe that he had even said that much. Beverly nodded her head slowly holding onto Eddies hands.
"Well, I mean. Me and Richie are a thing, that's for sure, but I don't know if he's like my boyfriend yet. The one thing I know for sure is that we both love eachother, and we've been on multiple dates so I know that it's not just some weird confusing friend thing."
Eddie spit out all the words as fast as he could. Bevs mouth opened wide as her face lit with excitement.
"Are you kidding Ed's??!! God, I've been waiting for this since the day I met you two."
"Wait, really?"
Eddie asked.
"Uh, duh. Everyone has. Your like the relationship that everyone always routed for. Oh shit, kinda sucks I can't tell the rest, but don't worry. I will respect your privacy 100 percent."
Said Bev. Eddie started to smile. He always new that Bev would be supportive. She would always tell us about her cousins in Portland who were gay, and she loved them very much. Then Eddie realized something. Everyone else in the losers club wanted to meet them, and thought that they seemed like cool people. Maybe they WOULD support them. And there was definitely something going on with Bill and Stan.
"Beverly, I promise I will tell the rest of the losers club about me and Richie when we are ready."
Said Eddie. Bev smiled.
"But don't tell Richie that I told you we're a thing. I should've asked him about this whole situation in the first place."
Eddie said.
"No problem"
Said Bev. The bell ring and everyone went to there last period class. Eddie felt good that he had finally told someone, and he was feeling a little more optimistic about getting to stay with Richie.

WOAH. It's been a whole month since I've released a chapter, and thank you for still raising the reads even when I wasn't there to make more content. This chapter is kind of shit, but I hope yoy enjoyed it. This story will be coming to it's end pretty quickly now, but I know how it will be done, and I will start a new book when it is over. Again thank you so much for reading, and have a nice day!

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