4 Skipping

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When we got to my house I led her up to my room.

"You don't deserve for them l talk to you like that." I said.

" No they're right."

"Please don't say that."

I went into my closet and changed into sweats, and a tank.

"We are having a movie day."

"What about school."

"Screw it. Movie. Day." I said. "If you want you can borrow a tshirt."

"Okay thanks." She said and walked into my closet.

She left her leggings on and chose a red long sleeve.

I walked her back down stair and she sat on the couch while I picked out a movie.

"I'll pick first you pick second."

So I picked, "The Blind Side." Best football movie of all time to me.

After it was over she picked,

"The boy in the stripped pajamas."

I put my arm around her sub consciously, just because it felt right.

She leaned in, and laid her head on me.

"I missed you last night." I said.

"I missed you too."

I heard her stomach growl. I pulled her up to look at me.

"When was the last time you ate."

"Yesterday." She said.

"Will you please eat something for me and keep it down?"

She shook her head and closed her eyes then opened them.

"I'm ugly. And fat. Delaney and Sherry are right."

"No. They're wrong, you're perfectly built, you have an amazing smile, I feel like we have some sort of connection already even though we haven't seen each other in forever. They are blind, they don't see you like I do."

"I feel the same way about you."

She said shyly.

"Were we together?"

I asked her.

"What do you mean."

"Were we dating? Because I feel something for you. It's so real, I don't want to be coming off to strong--"

Tears ran down her face. "You remember?"

"No, I really don't. But it's the only explanation for this."

"To answer you, yes we were."

"Why didn't you tell me."

"Because I'm not good enough for you, I never understood why you picked me."

"It's probably because you made me feel different. Like right now. You made me happy. And I loved it."

"You weren't alway happy."

"Oh?" I asked.

She nodded. "You would," she chocked on her words about to cry again.

" I would what? Did I hurt you?" I asked eyes wide.

She shook her head, "No no, you hurt yourself."

I sighed. "I did. I remember that. Those nights." I looked away and she turned my head back to her with her fragile hand.

I put my hand over her hand that was on my face and kissed her.

I layer her down and continued to do so.

"Em." I breathed. "I don't want to lose you again."

"You won't."

"I don't know that."

"You have my word."

We talked every time we had the chance to breath. I just couldn't get enough of her sweet taste.

She began to tug at my shirt. And I pulled it off. She ran her fingers over my tones chest.

Then she began to take off my shirt I loaned her.

"Em, no." I said pulling my shirt back down on her.

"Please." She breathed. "I'm ready. I've thought about this moment for twelve months and I'm not going to let it slip away from me."

She continued to pull off my shirt. I let her this time.

She was so little under my baggy clothes. It hurt me. I sighed and began to kiss her stomach. I looked up at her and smiled. Her bra was still on and I intended to leave it that way for now.

I scooted her over and grabbed a blanket and laid it over us. We fell asleep with her head laying in my chest and my arms wrapped around her.

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