chapter one <3

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Y/n- Your name

L/n- Last name

A/n- Author's note

H/c- Hair color

F/c- Favorite color

Your POV:

I was walking to school. I'm starting high school in a different country and I'm super duper nervous. My mom decided that we should live in Japan, but she won't even tell me why. It must be something she doesn't feel like sharing with me. Well, here I am, only about a mile away from school, having a mental breakdown. What if I get bullied. What if I don't get good grades.

I walked into the school building so nervous I was pretty much shaking. I go to a school in Japan where they all speak English, so I would understand what people are saying. The school is literally HUGE. It is probably the biggest school I have ever seen my whole life. I saw a boy with green and black hair come up to me. His hair was spiky. There was a boy with whitish silver hair. His hair was more curly.

¨Uh, hello?,¨ I managed to say.

¨You must be new here,¨ Said the boy with the black and green hair. He must be one of the cheery kids. I could tell because of how he was talking to me in a nice tone and the smile on his face. For some reason, I wasn't very scared anymore. ¨Yes, I'm new,¨ I replied, without any nervousness or anything like that.

¨Oh,¨ the boy said. ¨Well, welcome! My name is Gon and this is my friend Killua! What's your name?¨, Gon asked. ¨Im Y/n,¨" I said.

¨Nice to meet you, Y/n! I hope we can be friends,¨ Gon said. I was wondering why Killua wasn't talking. I guess he's the shy one. Maybe not. I don't know.

¨Hey,¨ I heard Killua say. ¨It's pretty early and we have time before class. Want us to show you around Y/n?,¨ he said. I nodded.

We walked around the building. Once we got to the Gym, there was a boy with blonde hair waving at us.

¨Kurapika!,¨ I heard Gon and Killua say. They ran up to the blondie whose name is I guess Kurapika. I followed them because I guess I really didn't have a choice. ¨Hey Gon and Killua! Who's this? A new friend?,¨ Kurapika asked.

¨Oh, I forgot to introduce her to you and you to her. Kurapika, this is Y/n. And Y/n, this is Kurapika,¨ Gon replied. I waved with a smile. He smiled back and said ¨Hey, Y/n¨.

I guess Gon, Killua, and Kurapika were best friends or something. Wow. I feel kinda stupid about earlier. I got so worried and nervous for no reasons. I've been in the building for about 10 minutes and I have already made 3 friends. I guess high school in a whole new country isn't so bad.

¨Did you just start high school Y/n?,¨ Kurapika asked. I nodded. ¨Well, I guess we are your upperclassmen. Really. All three? Gon, Kurapika, and Killua were my upperclassmen? Killua and Gon look so young.

A guy who looked old came up to Kurapika and said ¨Boo!¨.

¨Very scary, Leorio,¨ Kurapika rolled his eyes.

I guess there is ANOTHER boy in this friendship group. I was making friends so fast. I was pretty lost in thought. I stopped though, because I realized it was time for class and Kurpika was tapping my shoulder. I guess that was a sign that we should get going.


That's the first chapter! Sorry it's pretty bad. I did this due to boredom. Anyways, have a great day/night/noon/afternoon/morning :)

*lol this is probably not gonna get any reads*

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