Chapter One: The fox

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Optimus' POV:

I was reading human stories while the other Autobots were spending time with our human friends, Jack, Rafael and Miko. Ever since meeting our human friends, I've wanted to learn more about Earths customs. Earths stories are very interesting. One of my favourites is The Little Engine That Could. I was reading a book called The Lost Spells when Agent Fowler came to visit.

"Prime!" Agent Fowler said.

"Agent Fowler. To what do we owe the pleasure?" I asked.

"The government has asked for you help," Agent Fowler told me, "a girl we found three years ago is half-human, half fox. She is untamed and out of control. We have tried to tame her but she disappears every time we enter the room. Since you are kind and soft when it comes to us humans, we feel like you are the best bot to tame her."

"Wait. Half fox?" Jack asked.

"Does that mean she has ears and a tail?" Miko asked.

"She has fox instincts, sense of smell and great hearing," Agent Fowler explained.

"Agent Fowler, I do not believe I am suitable for the task," I said, "it is apparent that she is scared of things she believes is a threat. And as she is part fox, she will consider humans as a threat. As a Cybertronian and unlike anything she has seen, she will see me as a threat too."

"Optimus, I have recently completed a device that will give us holoforms to blend in with humans," Ratchet said, "maybe we should put it to use."

"She's scared of humans," Arcee reminded Ratchet.

"Perhaps we should give it a try," I said, "Agent Fowler, is there a way you can tell her I will be in the room with her?"

"She seems to only come out when we announce that it's time to eat," Agent Fowler said.

"Tell her I will be in there and that I am no threat. Maybe then she will come out."

Agent Fowler got that arranged while we tested the new holoform. It worked. I went to the containment facility where the girl was being kept via groundbridge and I activated my holoform. Agent Fowler and I got to the door where she was kept and it opened. Agent Fowler told me that she knows I'm a leader and I'm going in so she will hopefully come out of hiding. I was concerned about the soldiers behind me with tasers. Is she known to escape? I went in and the door closed behind me. The room was much like a forest. Trees, grass, fallen leaves and chirping birds. I was disappointed to learn that the sound was just speakers. I walked around until I came upon a field of roses. I heard a snap so I looked around seeing no one. I kept walking.

"Good morning," I heard.

The voice was so soft, quiet, shy. I couldn't find who the voice belonged to when I heard another;

"Good morning."

I found her. She was hiding behind a tree with an orange fox hood on.

"Good morning," I said getting closer.

She ran and hid behind a giant tree stump. I caught a glimpse of her outfit when she ran. It was a long-sleeved orange dress with a white front, a hood and the dress part was like a small tutu. The hood had ears on it and there was a fox face on it. She also wore some light brown shoes. Although they looked more like boots. Even though she didn't have a foxtail, I thought she would have a fake one but she didn't.

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