Day Ten: Shower Sex

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AU: None
Summary: After everything, at least they were still alive.

All was silent among the crew the moment they sluggishly dragged their tired and battered bodies back onto the deck of the ship. It had been a long and tedious day, one filled to the brim of non-stop fighting that had left them all drained as some of them practically flopped down onto the deck of the ship and closed their eyes as if they were ready to pass out right at that second.

"Today was fun" Luffy's chipper voice was the one to break through the silence, widely smiling as he looked around at the rest who seemed to only tiredly groan in response.

"Yeah, fun..." Nami muttered with the roll of her eyes, her head soon sluggishly turning to the side as she curiously watched Skylar walk past her. "Where are you going?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Bathroom..." the brunette curtly grumbled, her muscles tense and her eyes narrowed as she refused to look at any of them...or more importantly, refused to look anywhere near the swordsman who had irritably plopped himself down into his usual napping spot and closed his eye. It seems the two were currently frustrated with one another, a little fact that had been made clear to the rest of them the moment they heard the screams and shouts that had erupted after the fighting had finally come to an end and everything had settled. None of them dared to get involved, not wishing to find themselves getting dragged in between the lover's spat that was currently taking place.

"But...don't you want to..." Chopper trailed off as he watched how quickly the swordswoman seemed to disappear towards the direction of the bathroom.

"You can always patch her up later" Robin assured him as she placed a gentle hand on top of his head, her gaze flickering over towards the restless swordsman who seemed unable to really get comfortable. His body shifting around here and there as he looked to be quietly grumbling to himself while a heavy scowl settled itself on his face. "How about you go and get started with Usopp over there? I think he's in dire need of attention right now" she suggested as she gently pushed the reindeer towards the long-nosed pirate who was currently sprawled out on his stomach and lowly groaning in pain. Softly did she smile the moment he gave her a firm nod before he quickly rushed himself over towards the sharpshooter.

"Who does he think he is...getting on my case like that...what an asshole..." Skylar huffed as she angrily began to strip herself, aggressively tugging and undoing the buttons of her dress shirt. Her eyes seemed to sting, and her vision was practically blurred at the moment as she continued to huff and puff the longer she thought about the way he had snapped at her after everything was said and done. She thought about the way he had glared at her, practically sneering as he got onto her case about how reckless she had been. "I'm still alive, aren't I?" she asked no one in particular as she aggressively kicked off her pants and underwear, now left in nothing. Her breathing was slightly labored as she seemed to just wince with every breath of air she drew in, it was a miracle that her nose hadn't been broken with how hard of a punch that man had thrown at her.

Fresh cuts and bruises which were now beginning to darken littered her body as every aggressive movement of hers had her drawing in sharp breathes of air through her slightly parted lip. Subconsciously, did she feel the way her tongue would poke out and painfully lap at her busted lower lip which only made it throb in response. She seemed to only continue grumbling underneath her breath, ignoring the way her blurred vision only seemed to worsen while giving painfully sniffs here and there as she slammed the door to the bath shut behind her and now begun to turn on the shower.

"He yells at me when he's the idiot that's constantly going around making rash decisions...constantly putting himself into situations where he could...he could..." her voice seemed to just wobble as she listened to the way the showerhead shuddered before a burst of warm water came spilling out, hitting the top of her head. She could barely find it in her to enjoy the warm feeling of the water washing over her—washing away the grime and dried blood from her body as her hair seemed to just dampen and curl the longer she stood there, a scowl on her face as she was currently lost in her thoughts. It wasn't long before she was rudely dragged from her thoughts the moment she heard the door to the bath open, her body violently flinching as she quickly turned on her heel and looked just about ready to snap at whoever it was that had decided to come bargaining in while she was currently in here. Quick was she to seal her mouth shut though the minute she realized who it was exactly standing in the doorway.

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