AU: None
Summary: He was always making her feel good, she just wanted to return the favor."You know, you don't really have to do this if you don't want to" Zoro mumbled, a light shade of pink dusting over his cheeks as he looked down at the brunette who was sat up on her knees in front of him. Her own face was flushed a bright red as her gaze kept nervously shifting around the room, looking at all the barrels and boxes crowded inside which contained a variety of items she prayed none of the others would need at this exact moment.
"I know, but..." she mumbled right back, her voice trailing off near the end as she seemed to just nervously rub her hands up and down her thighs. "You're always...what I'm trying to say is...I just..." there was something cute about the small sound of frustration she made as she tried to get the words out.
"You don't have to feel obligated to do this just because you think you do" he said, his hand gently taking hold of her chin as he tilted her head up so that she would look at him.
"That's not it..." she frowned, a soft huff soon causing her cheeks to puff out as her lips tugged downwards into a small pout. "I'm doing this because I want to..." she finally muttered after a moment or two of silence. "You''re always making me feel really nice and...and well...I just want to return the favor is all..." she shyly admitted, voice growing quieter by the minute as the blush on her face only seemed to darken and spread. Zoro couldn't help but to just turn his head to the side, one hand raising to cover the lower half of his face as his own blush seemed to just darken upon hearing such sweet words that made his heart flutter and his dick grow harder than it already was after hearing what she had told him she wanted to do the moment they had slipped away from everyone and took refuge in this room. It grew silent after that, and once Skylar knew no more was going to be exchanged between the two of them, she slowly began to move—shifting just the slightest bit on her knees as she raised her hands and began to tug on the fabric of his pants.
She'll admit, she was quite nervous about what she was about to do seeing as she was very inexperienced and only really knew very little based on what she's heard or read. Her stomach seemed to just nervously churn as she found herself constantly shifting around on her knees, her fingers curling and gripping at the fabric of his pants as she continued to tug both them and his underwear down until his cock sprung free, already standing to attention much to her embarrassment. He was of a decent size both length and girth wise as she couldn't help but feel just the slightest bit intimidated—it wasn't like she hadn't see it before...but this was the first time she was really this up close and personal with it. It seemed to just throb and twitch the moment she hesitantly wrapped her hand around it, lightly grasping it within the palm of her hand as she slowly began to stroke the shaft. It was warm to the touch and very response to her delicate strokes. Nervously did her tongue poke out and wet her lips before she gave the head a tentative lick which in return caused the swordsman to groan in response the moment he felt the tip of the wet muscle glide along the underside of the head.
Skylar perked up just the slightest bit upon hearing such a sound, a sound which encouraged her to now take the head within her mouth and gently wrap her lips around it, tongue slowly lapping against it as she moved her head slowly down inch by inch to take in as much of him as she could. She couldn't help but note just how warm he felt within her mouth, warm and pulsating were the words she'd use to describe the feel of him as only the taste of flesh was noticeable against her tongue which gently licked and squirmed against the head and shaft. She could only get about halfway before she had to stop, unable to really take any more of him comfortably within her mouth. Zoro could already feel his breathing starting to pick up just the slightest bit as he kept his hand over the lower portion of his face, blood already beginning to drip from his nose as he looked down and watched how the brunette's head slowly began to bob up and down. Soft groans would occasionally leave the back of his throat every time he'd feel the flat of her tongue lap against the underside of his cock before swirling around the head as her hand which still lightly gripped the rest of his shaft which she couldn't take began to move alongside the bobbing of her head.

Kinkmas 2020
FanficI don't know what I'm doing, but enjoy. This book contains a series of one-shots revolving around Skylar and Zoro, if you enjoy my main One Piece story and my scenarios book I have for Skylar or even just enjoy the relationship between these two cha...