A/N: New OC

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***I was talking with my friend so here's an OC I made based on her.***

NAME: Evian Chuntao

MEANING: A Drink of Peach.

BIRTHDAY: March 17th

ALINEMENT: Is a hero in training. Part of class 1-B.

QUIRK: Light Follower: She has a being of light constantly following her. Like Dark Shadow except the creature looks like a dog and is made of light. Grows stronger in the sunlight weaker in the darkness. Easier to control then Dark Shadow.

DRAWBACKS: Harder to control when emotional, less powerful in the dark.

DISCRIPTION: Evian stands at 5'1 and is 16. She is an American exchange student. Evian has ebony skin with slightly frizzy black hair she usually keeps in tight braids. Evian has dark brown eyes full of light. She is a light and bubbly girl but if you piss her off she will not hesitate to kick your ass.

HERO NAME: Hikari Inu

MEANING: Light Puppy

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