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After the celebration i went to the Astronomy Tower immediately. "Why do you always come here?" asked Severus he was there before me i replied "cause i need to freshen my mind. You?" "Were completely the same.." said Severus I stood beside him and took a deep breath.

"You look beautiful BTW.." he said whispering I looked at him and said "same goes to you.." he scoffed and said "me a ugly greasy Dungeon bat? Impossible.." I made him look at me and he was completely shocked "don't say that.." "it's true though.. just admit it.."

I snapped at him "everyone is beautiful in their own way.." "even Voldemort?" He asked sarcastically I replied "yeah when his younger anyway.." he chuckled and hugged me I hugged him back and whispered "wanna fly?" He looked at me and said "what do you mean?"

I smiled and showed him my wings he said "now you look more like an angel than before.." I widen my eyes and said "you're not afraid of the freak who have wings?" He chuckled and i took his hand we flew high on the night shy and we saw the moon it was not a full moon but even though i'm not a werewolf anymore so it's okay.

After that night we became closer and closer we would hang out on the black lake at Sunday and i gave him a little present in his birthday January 9.

Time skip after graduation..

My grandmother is so proud of me and so does the other Sirius is happy with his wife and babies i got invited by the way. After a few months the Weasley's Blacks, Lupin, Potter's, my sister,me and Severus got invited to the Malfoy Manor to celebrate the holidays.

I haven't seen nor talk to anyone except a certain person since graduation because Sirius wedding happened at February. I'm 20 already i took a deep breath and knocked on the door Narcissa opened it and gasped she was expecting me but not my looks.

She hugged me and said "your so beautiful!!" I thank her and she yelled "Draco Y/n is here!!!" My sisters ran down and their jaw dropped "that's not our sister!!" They argued I raised an eyebrow and Hermione argued "it's only been months how come can you look so good!!"

The Weasley's came down too even Draco he smirked and i wave my hand at them. Bellatrix came and we smiled at each "hello Bella." I said and she replied "well glad you wore the dress i gave you..." I chuckled and asked "is it really necessary?" She nodded and smirked.

" I chuckled and asked "is it really necessary?" She nodded and smirked

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Then Sirius came out with Remus they smiled and I looked at Bella. "Umm is it okay if I brought my cousin she won't stop bothering me.." Narcissa replied "of course it's okay.." "Rose come on.." i said she entered and waved at them.

Draco blushed and me and Narcissa looked at each other. "Draco hunny we don't have any clean rooms can she stay at your room?" He just nodded and I looked at my cousin she nodded. We all sat on the living room while the two had a little tour.

"I think it's a good idea bringing her here.." i said chuckling they laughed and some of them continued with what they were doing. "Hunny were home!!" Said Lucius then they entered the living room I looked at Severus and they asked "who is she?"

I widen my eyes and Bellatrix laughed at me "funny.." I said looking at them "Y/n?" Asked Severus I nodded and thy both laughed at each other. "Where's Draco?" Asked Lucius I smiled and i asked "Lucius what if I told you i got your son a girlfriend would you be okay with that?"

"I will if it's not you.." he answered I threw a pillow at him "no it's my cousin! I hate you." He laughed and they both went down "Good one.." he said I nodded and said "your welcome.." "umm Rose White purebloød nice to meet you sir.." She shake Lucius hand. "Call me Lucius.."

She nodded and i hid my smirk "so Rose....." i said she replied "shut up Y/n. It's not funny..." "you're red like a tomato since we got here. Are you sick or something?" She rolled her eyes and I laughed at her i looked at Draco and Bellatrix said "yeah it's kinda weird so as Draco since you two got here.."

They both widen their eyes and disappeared "anyway.." we all chuckled and Luna suddenly pulled me up and dragged me. "Hey calm the heck down!!" I argued and they laughed she locked the room and said "I'm pregnant.."

I chocked in the air and said "WHAT?!!!" "Lower your voice idiot!" She said i took a deep breath and asked "how many months?" She replied "3 and a half no one knows yet even Neville..I'm nervous..." I hugged her and said "it's okay we can talk to Narcissa or Molly so you can know more.."

She nodded and said "can you call them and give us privacy?" I nodded and went out I pulled Narcissa and Molly up in the couch "Are you okay dear?" I nodded and dragged them to the room I closed the door and sat between Bellatrix and Severus.

"What's with that happy look?" Asked Severus i replied "ohh it's nothing.." "are you okay you look so excited!" Said Hermione I nodded and after a few moments the three went out with big smiles in their faces.

Time skip at 12 am.

I took their attention by hitting the glass carefully with a spoon. "Everyone Luna would love to make an announcement..." i said they all looked at her. "Go on.." she nodded and said "umm i'm 3 and a half months pregnant..." they chocked and I looked at Severus. "Well congrats.." he said i was relieved by what he said the two hugged her.

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