Last letter

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When they hid on Minerva's room y/n (Minerva's granddaughter) found a letter from Albus and Minerva. And with a clock with a chain. Y/n reed it..

Dear Y/n,
         I know that at this time me and Albus will be dead. We want you to go back in time and save the wizarding world.. Just find us and explain it to us. I love you so much.. i hope that you four can make it.. i will see you again soon my granddaughter.."


Y/n's POV...

I looked at them and Luna said "let's do this!!" We nodded and I wrapped the chain to us the door opened and Bellatrix was about to cast the death curse to is. I turned the time turner and took the letter.

We appeared on the library of Hogwarts "are you okay Miss?" Two boys asked. I realized it was Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy. They helped us up and said "yeah someone just played a prank on us.." they nodded and we left.

We went to the eagle statue and i said my password "Lemon Drops.." the stairs appeared we knocked on his door and he answered "enter.." i hid the time turner inside my clothes while wearing it. Ginny opened the door and we entered i froze when i saw Professor McGonagall.

I looked quickly away and Albus asked "Good Morning may i ask why are you here?" Hermione held my hand and I replied without looking at them. "We were send from the future.." they gasped and Minerva said "how are we going to trust you three?"

I showed them the turner "that's mine where did you get that.." My grandmother said. I didn't answer and Hermione explain what happened but didn't say who we are. They believe us and Albus asked "what are your names? And may i ask your parents names?"

"I'm Luna Lovegood. Xenophilius Lovegood is my father and. Pandora Lovegood is my mother.." said Luna.

"I'm Ginny Weasley. Arthur and Molly Weasley.." she said and a tear fell from her eyes.

"Why are you crying dear?" Asked Minerva i Replied without looking at her "because only four of us survived.." they both nodded and Hermione spoke.

"I'm Hermione Granger. My parents are muggle Wendell and Jean Granger.."

They all looked at me and Luna spoke for me "She's Y/n his dads name is Marco and her moms name is Lilith.."

They all nodded and Albus asked "Y/n ?????" I tear fell from my eyes "Y/n McGonagall..." Minerva gasped and Ginny gave the letter to the headmaster. They reed it and Minerva said "i have a granddaughter?" The three nodded and i still didn't look at her.

Albus asked "Why aren't you looking at us?" I inhaled and Hermione replied "Professor McGonagall died in her arms.. it's hard for her to face Professor McGonagall because the curse was supposed to hit her but Professor McGonagall took it instead.."

Minerva stood up and went to hug me i was speechless "i have a granddaughter.." she said the four smiled while I stayed silent. "You can join our school what year are you all in.." i spoke as my grandma stepped away.

"Hermione and me are on the 6th year but i can assure you headmaster that Ginny and Luna are perfectly fit with us.." he smiled and replied "Call me Albus.. Your Minerva's granddaughter after all.." I smiled and nodded i they saw my face clearly.

"Minerva... she looks exactly like you..." said Albus and Minerva nodded. I smiled and looked at Albus. My eyes sparkled and my beautiful ocean blue eyes and long curly hair. "I think you all should change.." said Albus I snapped my fingers and we were all changed to nice clothes.

"Umm i can perform wand less magic.." i said they smiled and asked "would you all like to be on the same house?" We all nodded and we all said "Gryffindor..." the two laughed and said of course. Then i said "Hermione and i know where the horcruxes are.. we destroyed them all except Nagini the Snake.."

They widen their eyes and Hermione replied "practically me,y/n,Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's life is already destroyed since we turned 16.." we looked away and Albus asked "what is Minerva's reactions?" I gulped and replied "she almost killed my friends when she knew that we rode a dragon to escape from stealing something from gringots bank.."

She widen her eyes and when she was about to say something i spoke "it was a horcrux please don't kill me.." she widen her eyes and I continued "she was so disappointed when me,Hermione,Harry,Ginny and Ron found the chamber of secrets.. I know how to open it..." i said she widen her eyes more.

"And she was so pissed when we made fun of Professor Snape.." said Luna trying not to laugh. "Severus Snape?" Asked Albus we nodded and i said "Yup the greasy mean Dungeon git.." I mumbled "Y/n...." said Minerva dangerously.

"Sorry ma'am.." i said and Albus laughed the Hermione cursed "death eater mean bitch..." "you know who the death eaters are?" I nodded and i said "Hermione and i got tortured by one.." They widen their eyes "who may i ask?" Albus stated..

"The crazy woman Bellatrix Black Lestrange.. she killed my parents and brothers..." Ginny sob Luna hugged her and said "Don't worry Gin we could still see them.." Ginny nodded and Hermione is hearth broken because she doesn't know where her parents are..

"Don't worry Mione we are always her for you.." i gave her a big hug. She cried on my shirt I argued to make her laugh "Damnit Granger my shirt!!!" I said and she laughed with the two. I smiled seeing her laugh the two were looking at us.

"No more crying..." i said to them in  a dangerous voice "yes ma'am..." they all said and looked at Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore. I smirked and Minerva said "well change to your robes since breakfast is starting..." I nodded and clapped my hand we are completely clean and changed.

"What would our identity be Sir?" I asked "you will be all Minerva's daughters.. is that okay Minerva?" She smiled and replied "of course Albus.." "let's go then.." Albus replied..  We walked to the Great Hall and the two entered first. "Everyone we have new students please respect them like how you respect me.." (he looked at the marauders.)

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