Fever//Moonbae Oneshot

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This is my first story on here so plz be nice....

It's 3AM when Kevin and Sangyeon wake up to the sound of someone faintly crying.

Kevin looks around groggily "Was that you Hyung?" Kevin asks with sleep lacing his voice "No...I thought that was you", Sangyeon says sitting up.

They stopped to listen carefully, they then heared more crying along with coughing. "Crap one of the members might be sick." Sangyeon said worried "That's no good." Kevin said while trying to surpress a yawn. "I'll go see who it is, you can get more sleep." Sangyeon suggested getting out of bed. "Nope, uh-uh, we're going together." Kevin said, Sangyeon chuckles slightly. "Whatever you say Kev."

Kevin got out of bed stretching as the two of them made their way through the dark hall they saw the light seeping through the crack of the bathroom door, the coughing and crying got louder slightly once they got closer.

Kevin knocked on the door quietly, almost immediately the coughing stopped as the door opened slowly, then it revealed Jacob with a tear-stained face.

He saw Kevin and tried to smile while trying to go towards him but he only ended up coughing harshly instead. Kevin reached out and brought Jacob into his arms.

"I-I'm sorry" Jacob coughed out. "I didn't want to disturb anyone." Both Sangyeon and Kevin were shocked to say the least. "Don't think like that." Sangyeon softly said. "Yeah you're never bothering us Jacob." Kevin said as he agreed with Sangyeon. "Especially when you're this sick." Kevin said, Sangyeon nodded while gently rubbing Jacob's back. "I'll go get the thermometer, be right back." Sangyeon said, Kevin nodded.

Once Sangyeon left Jacob started coughing again and broke away from the hug to head to the toilet. Kevin followed him, brushing Jacob's hair off of his sweaty forehead.

"God Jacob, you're burning up." Kevin spoke in English to keep it simple for Jacob. "How long have you been feeling like this?" "I think it started yesterday." Jacob replied weakly. Kevin sighed. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" Jacob coughed again, this time throwing up.

Kevin started rubbing his back trying to comfort him. Once Jacob stopped he looked up into Kevin's eyes. Kevin noticed the older's eyes welling up with tears. 'He looks so tired' Kevin thought.

"You guys were so busy." Jacob's voice cracked as he tried to hold the tears back. "I...I guess I didn't want to burden anyone."

Hearing that Kevin was close to tears himself. "You've never been a burden, ever." Kevin continued rubbing Jacob's back.

Just then Sangyeom came back with the thermometer. "Sorry it took me so long. I think it was misplaced last time when Eric was sick." Sangyeon explained while holding it up to Jacob's forehead.

Once it beeped, Sangyeon pulled it back and looked at the temperature. Sangyeon sighed opon seeing it. "100.05 degrees Fahrenheit, no wonder you feel like this." Kevin nodded in agreement. "Let's get you some medicine, then it's back to bed." Kevin said while he helped Jacob sit on top of the toilet seat.

"Hyung, can you get the medicine from the kitchen while I take Jacob Hyung to his room?" Kevin asked while he ran water on a washcloth. "Yeah" Sangyeon replied while turning to Jacob. "Do you want anything small to eat?" Jacob shook his head. "No, I might throw it up." He croaked as Kevin helped him to his feet with the washcloth being held to his forehead.

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