Part 1

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*Knock knock* The door opens.

"Hey, I got a lead" Rebecca jumps off her bed and follows Sam out the door to the library.

"A lead? What kind of lead? Did you find him, did you find Dean?" Becca asked quickly once they sat down in the library.

"Whoa slow down" Sam starts.

"Yeah, I found Dean, he's in North Dakota"

"Okay! Well what are we waiting for, let's go" Rebecca says straight after Sam finished, jumping off her chair.

"Hold on a second" Sam stopped her.

"Look, he's a demon now, ok. He won't be the Dean that we know. We need to be careful; you don't know what he's gonna be like" Sam got up and stood closer to Bec for comfort. He saw a flash of sadness on her face before it turned into excitement again.

"I know that Sam, but it's still Dean, and we need to go help him. So let's go, I'll meet you in baby in 20 okay?" Sam sighed, of course he couldn't win against Bec, she had too much of Deans stubbornness.

"Okay fine" And with that Rebecca walked as calmly as she could back to her room to get ready.

Sam and Becca arrived at their destination and searched for hours but found nothing. They decided to book a motel and look more tomorrow. 

The next day when they woke up, Sam did some more research to see if he had miscalculated where Dean should've been. Becca went to go get some much-deserved coffee. She was about to walk into the café but stopped when she heard some noise coming from the alley. Becca turned the corner only to be greeted by Dean.

"Dean" she whispered to herself as she stared at him. She was shocked. She'd planned this moment for months but now it was really happening, Becca couldn't move. Dean slowly turned around and plastered a smirk on his face once he saw Rebecca. He looked her up and down. 

"Well what do we have here?" Dean asked. Rebecca was still frozen, trying to resist the urge to run up an hug him. But she controlled herself because she knew that it wasn't exactly her Dean.

"I told you and Sam not to come looking for me" Dean said moving closer.

"I, we didn't" Bec said softly as if she could barely speak. She was still staring at him, hardly blinking.

"Bullshit" Dean half yelled, still moving toward her. Becca flinched slightly and gulped.

"Dean look, we can help you, fix you. We can, make you human again" Dean laughed.

"Fix me? What makes you think that I need to be fixed?"

"Wel-" Rebecca started.

"I've never felt better! More... alive" He kept moving closer.

"But Dean you aren't alive, not really, if you just come with me then we can sort everything out and things can go back to-" Becca got really fast towards the end because she didn't think Dean would let her finish, and he didn't.

"Go back? I don't want things to go back. Those days were miserable. But now, I feel great" He finished, finally reaching Bec. They were no more than two feet apart.

"But" Dean said leaning down to whisper in Becca's ear.

"There's one thing I have missed" Bec shivered at his cold tone. Suddenly Dean grabs her shoulders and forcefully slams her into a wall. He moves his hands to either side of her head and leans closer to her. Rebecca couldn't process what was happening. This can't be Dean, she thought, demon or not.

"This body you have" He whispers onto her neck and starts sucking on it. He travels one of his hands down Bec's side, trailing his fingers against her and grabs her ass.  Becca whimpers and is terrified and in disbelief that this is Dean. He starts grinding on her.

"Dean, please stop, this isn't you" He growls and stops kissing her. 

"But this is me" He said then wrapped one of his huge hands around her small neck, lifting her up off the ground with ease. Bec was scared, she'd never been scared of Dean before, but she is now.

"Oh, the things I'm gonna do to you" He said looking her up and down. Rebecca could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness while she tried to claw his hands away.

"De-ean, pl-please don't, don't d-do thi-s" She struggled to talk as she couldn't breathe. Dean just looked at her and tightened his grip, smiling at her displeasure. Becca was just about to fade but she managed to get one important thing out.

"I, I love, you, Dean..." Aaaand she was gone. Dean's eyes widened when she said that. He slowly placed her back on the ground and sat her down because she was limp. He reluctantly loosened his grip but stopped before he completely took his hand away.

He paused for a second and unwillingly went to caress Bec's face but stopped himself. It was almost a reflex to comfort her. He rested his hand on her clavicle and dropped his head, fighting with his thoughts. While fighting, he dug his nails into Becca's skin as he gripped her shoulder with all his strength. Surely leaving a bruise and possibly chipping bone.

He got up angrily and punched the brick wall. Dean wanted to take Rebecca and go through with what he was planning to do but for some reason he couldn't. Or more likely, he didn't want to. He fought with himself for a while then eventually left her there in the alley.

(Back at the motel)

Sam looked up at the clock and realized that it had been an hour since Becca left. He tried not to think too much of it but worry got the best of him and he went to find her.

He checked the coffee shop she said she was going to, but he found nothing there. That's when Sam started to think the worst. He was just about to climb back in baby and look somewhere else when he saw an alley way. He decided to check it, hoping that she wasn't there and was somewhere safe. He walked around the corner and saw Becca sitting there unconscious. He ran over and kneeled in front of her, gently lifting her head to try and wake her up.

Luckily, Rebecca's eyes fluttered open and looked up at him. Sam was flooded with relief but that faded once he heard her voice.

"Sam?" She croaked out; her throat was still sore.

"Hey, it's me... what happened?" He looked down and examined her. He saw was a thick, black handprint on her neck and a few faint, were those hickeys? He gulped at the thought of what did or could've happened.

"I found Dean" She half smiled.

"What?! Dean did this to you?"

"Ye-yeah, b-but he was gonna..." She thought for a second. "do more, and he didn't! He just left me here. That's progress... right?" Becca looked up at Sam hopefully. Sam sighed and looked down.

"Let's just get you back to the bunker" He lifted her up bridal style. Bec groaned in pain when he grazed her shoulder. Sam put her back down and reached for the collar of her shirt. He looked to her, asking for permission. Rebecca nodded and Sam gently pulled down her shirt to reveal another big ugly looking bruise and five puncture wounds. Sam pulled her shirt up and sighed as he picked her up again and carefully put her in the impala. They drove home without a word being spoken.

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