Round 5

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"Kenma, turn it off." Kuroo orders from behind his gaming chair. The boy ignored his friend as he continued to rewatch his tenth game with [y/n]. He watched as her combo attack finished him off.

"Be quiet." The boy mumbled back to his friend who was slowly falling asleep. It was three in the morning and the two gamers were ready to start another game.

"Last round?" [y/n] asked with a bright smile on her lips. Kenma glared at the screen before giving the camera a firm nod. The game started just like all the others. Both of them set up their taps and upgraded their defense system.

[y/n]'s phone rang catching her attention for a short second. She pulled the left side of her headset back and pressed her phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Oh! Hey, Danny."

"I'm on the game."

"Drinks? At this hour? Of course!"

"Give me...ten minutes max."

Kenma chewed on his bottom lip while he tried to concentrate on the game. He found [y/n]'s voice to be distracting him. His heart rate picked up as he watches her pink tongue like her lips.

"I'm not dressing up." [y/n] snapped on the phone taking her eyes off the screen. Kenma took this chance to double click his 'A' button. He watches [y/n]'s face flash red when he hit her and the leg and arm.

"Ah! Danny shut up!" [y/n] yelled while letting her phone fall to the ground. Her [e/c] eyes focused on her screen while she ran away from Kenma's character. A smirk found its way to Kenma's lips as he followed after her.

"No! Kenma stop!" The girl cried out as she ran towards his base. Before she could get any closer she stepped on a bomb ending the game and giving Kenma his first win of the night. [y/n] let out a cry as she leaned back in her seat.

"Good game."

"Shut up!" [y/n] snapped at the boy who settled in his seat and watched the replay. She let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. Kenma watched as she studied the replay over and over again.

"Urgh! Good game Kenma. Good game." [y/n] mumbled while reaching down and picking up her phone. She ended the call and put her phone on her desk face down.

"Alright, I have to go. Same time tomorrow?" She asked and the boy gave her a simple nod. She smiled brightly at the boy before waving and logging off. Kenma logged out and leaned back into his seat.

"Dude...did you get a hard-on from playing her?" Kuroo asked Kenma from the boy's bed. Kenma frown and looked down at his crotch. He indeed had a slight hard-on which surprised him completely.

"When are you going to leave?" Kenma asked, completely disregarding his questions. Kuroo let out a groan before pushing himself off of Kenma's bed. He slowly trudged over to the door and pulled it open.

"If you're going to jerk off, try to be quiet," Kuroo mumbled before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him. Kenma rolled his eyes before looking back down at his crotch. He let out a breathy laugh while running his hands over his face.

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