Round 9

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"Are you really not going to let me win?" [y/n] asked while pressing the 'B' button the the black GAMEBOY aggressively. The two waited for their food by playing games on their own GAMEBOYS.

"Why would I do that?" Kenma laughed while leaning back in his seat. He glanced up at [y/n] who chewed lightly on her bottom lip.

"You took me out, it would make my night amazing." [y/n] answered back while trying to navigate her car on the game. Kenma found it cute how she was struggling with this game compared to when they play their usual games.

"That's not happening." Kenma mumbled while focusing back on his own car. Kenma's concentration was broken when he felt [y/n]'s bare foot slide up his leg. Kenma glanced at the girl who was still looking down at the game.


"Hm?" The girl asked while keeping her eyes on the game. A smirk made its way to the girls lips as she continued to play the game. [y/n] subtly slipped her foot out of her shoe and slowly moved her foot towards Kenma. Her foot slide further up the boys leg. He sat forward in his seat allowing [y/n]'s foot settle on his crotch.

[y/n] looked up from the game and locked eyes with the golden eyed boy. He squinted his eyes, waiting to see what the girl would do. "[y/n]." Kenma warned the girl who bit her bottom lip softly.

"Don't test me." Kenma ordered the girl who smiled before looking down at the game. [y/n] placed her hand over her mouth to cover up her smile.

"Looks like I won."

Kenma looked down at the game before sending the girl a small glare. [y/n] applied a little more pressure earning a soft groan from Kenma. His eyes fluttered closed as he pressed his fist to his lips.

"Oh! Looks like the food is here!" [y/n] smiled when the waitress pushed the door open holding their meals. Kenma shot [y/n] a glare before running his hands over his hair.

Kenma shifted in his seat while clearing his throat. He sent the waitress a tight smile while taking a glance at [y/n] who seemed unfazed by the situation.

"Thank you." Kenma mumbled before looking down at his lap. His pants were feeling extremely tight around the crotch area. Kenma took in a deep breath before looking up at [y/n] who had a smile in her face.

"I'll do anything to win." She whispered before sending me an air kiss. Kenma lightly bit his bottom lip while trying not to smile. Kenma shakes his head before letting out a breathy laugh.

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