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It was a normal lazy sunday afternoon in the Lew household. Everyone was at their respective rooms lounging the day away and keeping to themselves. Everyone aside from Sean that is, and his best friend Kaycee, who at the moment is sprawled on the enormous couch, tv remote in hand, laughing at her favorite episode of FRIENDS.

"Here it comes Sean get ready!" Kaycee squealed in delight as she tugged at Sean's sleeve, eyes glued to the television, "...and, jazz hands!" she laughed, her hands imitating the dance step.

Kaycee looked at Sean, her eyes crinkled showing off the dimples beneath them, laughing while she said "I would take Joey's dance class any day."

"Yeah right," Sean scoffed jokingly as he ruffled her hair "as if you would need more dance classes."

"Hey!" Kaycee objected, swatting his hand away, "I just straightened my hair don't ruin it."

"I don't get why you do. I like your curls." Sean said tugging at a lock of her hair.

"Ahem. Sorry to interrupt your flirting Sean but Mom wanted to ask what we will be having for dinner." Sean's sister, Serris smiled slyly as she leaned on the wall opposite the couch.

Kaycee giggled trying to fight off the creeping blush threatening to take place in her cheeks. Sean on the other hand did not fight off the glare he threw at his sister's way.

"You know it's not like that Serris." He said as he stood up from his place on the couch, rolling his eyes as he stopped in front of Serris before he made his way to the kitchen. "And tell Mom dinner will be chicken and pasta. It will be ready in let's say, an hour?"

As soon as Sean was out of earshot, Serris made a bee-line for Kaycee, who is now clearing her throat and fanning her face.

"You should tell him you now. What if he likes you too? I mean you're Kaycee. What's not to like?" Serris said as she playfully nudged Kaycee's shoulder.

"No Serris I can't," Kaycee frantically uttered while shaking her head. "besides you heard him. It's not like that between us."

With her response Serris gave a blank serious face.

"Sometimes I just want to knock you guys together you know that? You're both too stubborn. You obviously like my brother and he is too clueless to see that. Plus you guys are so painful to watch. There are feelings there, trust me, he might not be aware of them but there's something there." Serris pointed out looking directly into Kaycee's eyes, letting her know how serious she was about what she said.

Kaycee looked down at her clasped hands resting on her lap, unable to be under the direct gaze of Serris Lew.

"I don't know Serris, I can't risk it."

The younger girl looked so lost that it broke Serris' heart just looking at her and so she placed a hand on top of Kaycee's clasped ones trying to comfort her in a way. They soon heard a series of pots clanging indicating Sean Lew being in his element. Soon after, Sean came striding into the room eating out of a bag of popcorn and offering the bag to Kaycee.

"You staying for dinner Kayc? We could have a sleepover and watch movies." He grinned at the girl while taking his place on the couch beside her.

Kaycee gave him a small smile, her thoughts clouding her head. Serris took this time to leave quietly, not wanting to eavesdrop more on their conversation.

"Maybe not tonight Sean. I'm sorta tired and Mom's expecting me for dinner." She said while gathering her things off the coffee table.

"Okay then, how about next Friday? we could have a The Office marathon before Netflix takes them down." Sean asked hopefully as he walked Kaycee out the front door.

Kaycee gave a small laugh at his childish antics. "Yeah, maybe, we'll see." She said as she opened her car door.

Sean held her door for her and leaned on it when she got in. "Call me when you get home Rice." He grinned as he shut the car door.

"Will do Lew." She giggled as she pulled out of his driveway. She looked at her rearview mirror as she drove away and saw Sean flailing his arms as high as he could saying goodbye to her with a big smile on his face. Kaycee shut her eyes momentarily before heaving a sigh. Pretending not to like your bestfriend of more than eight years gets harder every passing day and Sean is not making this easier for her.

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