5. For home renovation

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My mom has been meaning to renovate our second house for a long time. But without my busy dad and brother's help she never got started.

Now that I'm here, she wants me to help.

That's why I'm at the hardware store, looking at paint swatches.

"I want an half inch wrench," I hear Cole's voice. I walk back to the front of the shop and see Cole standing next to the reception. The store owner leaves to find whatever Cole asked him for.

I hesitate before mustering up enough courage to say his name, "Cole."

He looks at me. "Daisy," he says without any change in expression.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good. You?"

"Good," I say, unable to ask him anything further.

"What's that?" he says, nodding at the paint swatches in my hand, "A makeover for your room?"

I shake my head. "They are for the home renovation. My parents' second home."

"Rick isn't helping?"

"He's too busy with either urgent matters or blonde girls."

He smirks. The way he has always smirked. "I can order him to help you."

"Not if I want to have a peaceful vacation. But thanks."

He smiles again. "I'll send over some guys one day. It'll speed up your work."

I nod. The shop owner returns with a small wrench. Cole pays for it and turns to leave.

"Cole," I call out to him.

He stops and looks at me.

When I don't say anything, "What?" he asks.

"Nothing," I say.

He leaves.

I think back to the moment when we found out we are mates.

My body reacts to his every breath while he has me pinned against the tree. His hands are sliding all over me. His lips are tight against mine as he lifts me over his waist. I bend into him, feeling hot.

I moan into his shoulder when his tongue glides on my neck. "Daisy," he calls my name with desire.

"Daisy," I hear the shop owner call me. "You okay?" he asks.

I nod and go back to picking paints.

Over the next few days, I can't get Cole out of my mind. He's my unfinished business.

To take my mind off, I agree to go to a movie with Nina. Only after I'm there I find out this is in fact a group date, and my brother is here with a new girl in his arms, and Cole is here, too, with Bianca.

I don't know why I keep feeling surprised. He had found someone. That was to happen one day or another.

I see him smile at her. He likes her. She wraps her arms around his neck and they kiss. I look away.

They look good together. This is how it's supposed to be. I should be happy for him.

Then why don't I feel happy?

Bianca sits next to him, rests her head over his bicep and wraps her hand around his. They look like a couple snuggling together, looking over a fireplace, on a cold night.

Next to them is Rick with his new girl on one side and Perry, who later joined us, on the other. The girl is fully leaned over to Rick's side. Perry is sitting straight. I can't help but shake my head in disapproval at my brother.

In the middle of the movie, Perry suddenly leaves. Seeing Rick wasn't going to go after her, I follow her into the restroom.

I see her glistening eyes on the restroom mirror. She sees me. "That bitch," she says, "has her hands and legs all over him."

"You're angry at her?" I say, "She's not the one who is your mate."

"I know what you think," Perry says, "I know what everyone thinks — that I should just leave him. But I can't. I can't stop loving him, no matter how hard I try," she says as she cries.

I fight my own tears. Seeing her cry, I'm sad for her. Knowing Rick is the reason for her tears, I'm sadder.

We go back to the movie after she calms down. Somehow she manages to stay till the end and the dinner afterwards.

After eating, we call it a night. I ride with Rick to our home. After a stretch of heavy silence, he says, "When you've something you want to say, better say it."

"Why?" I ask while looking at the window. A few rain drops had fallen.

"I heard it feels good to get things off your chest."

I don't reply right away. The rain gets bigger, louder. I see a flash of light across the dark sky. Then I hear the thunder.

That startles me. I forgot about these thunder back home. They are scary.

I hear another loud one. It's so loud as if it originated from the ground beneath us and not from the sky.

I feel my brother's palm wrap the back of my hand. His hand is warm. Once my hands are stilled by him, I realize the rest of my body is still trembling. The thunder really took me by surprise.

I draw a long breath, hold, and release it slowly.

He doesn't take his hand away and continues to drive. I look at him.

This is why I could never bring myself to hate my brother, no matter how much jealous I get of him, or how strongly I feel against the things he sometimes do.

I know what his love, care and protection feels like. He's more than just his future title and brute strength. But why can't he be like this all the time?

"Do you love Perry?" I ask him.

He sighs. "It's not your concern, Daisy."

"She was crying in the restroom."

His hand's grip over mine tightens. "It was her choice," he says. "She chose to stay with me."

"What if she wants to leave you one day? You'll let her go?"

"I will. If that's what she wants, I will."

"Won't you be sad?"

"I don't know what I'll feel."

My turn to sigh now. I don't know how he'll feel either. I take my hands from him. "I'm okay now."

We reach home soon enough. I thought the rain would slow us down, but Rick drove through the rain like it wasn't raining at all.

I struggle to sleep through the thunder, and thoughts about Perry and Rick, and Cole and Bianca.

I understand love less and less these days. 

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