9. Are they practical?

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"Are we there yet?" I ask my dad as he's taking me uphill to a lake. Seeing my recent mood at home, he forced me today to go out with him for some "fresh air."

"Patience," dad says, "patience, my dear."

If patience is the only thing needed it wouldn't be a problem. However, our current activity requires an immense leg strength, something I don't possess.

Still, I prevail and reach the end. We sit down by the lakeside on the foldable chairs we brought with us. He lets me catch my breath before asking, "So what's eating you up these days?"

Guilt? Doubt? Which one should I say? "Nothing is eating me up."

"It's not nothing," he says.

"Rick and Perry had a fight at her birthday," I say. Better throw my brother under the bus. He deserves it.

My father sighs. "I tried to talk some sense into that boy so many times. He never listens. Having a mate, Daisy, is something special. I know kids these days prefer to choose who to be with. I'm not saying it's wrong. But it's also important to understand the responsibility you have towards your mate.

Just because fate chose you someone doesn't mean you've to accept them. And just because fate chose you someone doesn't mean you've to reject them either. You can give the relationship a chance and see what it means to you.

You can see if you want to spend your life with your mate, or if you're better off without them. But whether you accept them or reject them, it's important you give the relationship the respect it deserves. I'm afraid your brother is not doing that," he says.

Although dad doesn't know it, I feel like I'm the one he's advising.

"What about others?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"What about what others think of a relationship between you and your mate? What if someone doesn't approve it?"

Dad shakes his head. "Their opinion doesn't matter. All that matters is what you two think of each other."

"What if, instead of Perry, a girl you might disapprove is Rick's mate? A girl you might think is not fit to be the future Beta woman. What would you do?"

Dad says, "Fate always chooses mates who can support and compliment each other. Sometimes that means you get a mate who is very similar to you, or someone who is very different from you. Either way, your mate would be a good match for you, and can handle the responsibilities that come with being your mate, maybe not in the same way as you do but they can do it in their own way."

I'm not sure I agree with dad on that. His opinions are noble, but are they practical? 

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