19. Lose him forever

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Smoothening the paper I just took out of my pocket, I read the address on it once again and look at the brick building in front of me.

I'm at the right block and street. The house number is 45. This should be that house. But there's no number plate anywhere I could see so I'm not sure how to confirm.

"Hey," I hear a guy from my side. He's standing in front of the cafe next door with a folded apron tied around his waist. "Are you Daisy? Here to check out the house," he says.

I nod. He puts out his hand. "I'm Joe. The landlord asked me to show you the house. Give me a second, I'll be right back with the keys," he says while shaking my hand, and gets inside the cafe.

Soon he's back out, without his apron, and possibly his hair combed. "Let's go," he says.

I fall in love with the house as soon as I step inside. It's very homey. In spite of not being occupied for long, the house looks neat and all the plants are alive. Someone must've been taking good care of it.

There are two floors, five bedrooms (six, if you consider the small room at the end of the top floor a bedroom) and a backyard.

"You like the house?" Joe asks.

"I love it."

"If you don't mind, can I ask you something? You look so young, and you already have kids?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You're not married? With kids?"

"No. Why? Do I look like someone married with kids?"

"No! No! It's just that the landlord was exclusively looking to rent out the house to a family only."

"My mom knows the landlord. She convinced them to rent the place out to me and my friends. We're all in college."

"College," Joe whispers, "makes sense."

"You have a boyfriend?" he asks.

I look at him with eyebrows raised. He smiles. "I'm guessing you don't," he playfully says, "would you consider me?"

I can't help but laugh at his sudden declaration of interest. "I don't know what to say," I say, laughing.

"Say yes. We could grab a cup of coffee. All we need to do is step outside."

I wipe the tears in my eyes. "That's a lovely offer, Joe. But I'm afraid I'll have to pass. Thanks."

He shrugs his broad shoulders. "Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me," he says pointing to next door.

Other than a flirtatious neighbor, the house is perfect.

A few days later we move in.

A few weeks later I get a call from Rick on my way home from the grocery store.

"You need to take a week off and come home soon," he says.

I worry. Is grandma okay? Please let her be okay, God. "Why?" I ask.

"We fixed the date. The ascension is on 18th," he says.

I stop on my tracks.

"Daisy? You there?" Rick says when I don't reply him.

"Y-Yeah, when do you want me home?"

"Be here by day after tomorrow."

"Okay," I say before disconnecting.

"Daisy, you okay?" I hear Joe's voice say in front of me. I look at Joe and then around me. I'm only a few steps from home. I forgot where I was.

"You look pale," he says.

"I-I I don't know. I just don't feel well."

"Come on," he says and takes my hand and takes me into the cafe.

He leaves me and then comes back with a cup of hot chocolate and places it in front of me. I start crying.

"Daisy," he says, coming and sitting beside me. He pulls me into his shoulder and rubs my back. I can't stop crying as I pour my chest out, not caring who hears or sees me.

After an eternity, I calm down and take a sip of the now cold chocolate.

"Are you better now?" he asks. I nod. "What is it about, Daisy?"

I don't answer him.

"Is it a guy?" he says. I can't help but slightly smile at Joe's assumption that if a girl cries her heart out it must be because of a guy. He's not entirely wrong.

"Did you break up with him?" Joe says.

"We're not together."

"An ex?"

"Sort of. We used to see each other. Then I broke up with him. Now he's found someone else."

"Do you still like him?"

I nod. Better than to say I still like him, I should say I never stopped liking him.

"Then why did you leave him?"

"I'm not right for him. He's special. He deserves someone special."

Joe sighs. "Special is a relative term, Daisy. To a mom, her children are special. To an artist, his paintings are special. To a fangirl, her idol is special. To a husband, his wife is special. Did he thought you were special?"

"He did," I whisper.

"Shouldn't have that be enough then?"

I shake my head. "People around him wouldn't think I'm right for him."

"And you care about what they think because?"

"Because I'm not like you, or him, and not care about what others think of me."

"No, you don't care about what others think of you. You care about what others think of him for being with you. You like him that much. But if he himself doesn't care about what they think, you shouldn't either."

I wrap my palms around the mug. I know what Joe says is right, but it's easier said than done.

"If you're really special to him, he'll come back to you," Joe says.

I don't know about that. Not anymore.

Ascension is the ceremony where the Alpha and Beta pass on their titles to their successors. The first order of business for the new Alpha and Beta usually would be to announce who their mates are and mark them, making a permanent mate bond.

After Cole ascends he'll mark Bianca and make her his mate. I'll lose him forever. 

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