Chapter 2

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Royality POVs this time. Let's see if I can get to 1k words this time.

🚨TRIGGER WARNINGS. Mentions of Bullying, Derogatory Terms used, Strong Language🚨

Roman's POV


                  I had looked down at my IPhone calmly to see a snapchat from '💙👑My Queen👑💙' infront of the mirror. I smile when I see what they are wearing today. Currently Remus, my brother, and I are heading to school in his car for once. It smelled heavily like deodorant but I guess that is a good thing. It lets me know that he isn't a filthy rat and not being at least a little hygienic..

                 I calmly take a screenshot of my beautiful angel in her cute pastel blue skirt with a white sweater tucked into it. She's wearing my oversized leather hoodie for once. It was a dark red maroon like color. We were both 16 when I asked her out in that very jacket. We are 18 now.
                   I look up a bit dazed and bewildered. 'Two whole years.. its been two WHOLE years since I asked Patton Hop to be my girlfriend. During that time she had transitioned into a full woman. She's just.. so fucking beautiful. I'd fought for her in many ways. Even literal fist fights with others who came too close to her. No matter what challenge happened between us I always made sure not to harm her in any way.'

                  I smile a soft smile when I felt a harsh smack onto my knee and quickly snap out of my trance. "What?" I growl out at my slightly older and taller brother.

He snickers at me "You've been in space for so long I've already parked and I'm about to leave the car Dumbass. Get your shit and lets go I have a sn-Snake fuck shit snake snake boi- to visit." He told me beginning to tic midway through but quickly got it under control.

Did I ever mention that Remus had tics? Or well tourrets? Well he does. I snap myself fully out of my thoughts yet again and get out of the truck and grab my backpack as well as the black lunch bag I have for Patton and I.

Inside of the black lunch bag I have a bunch of fruits and a few vegetables. Such include strawberries, Pattons favorite, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi slices, cherries, and blackberries. I sprinkled a little bit of sugar ontop of them as per usual. She has quite a sweet tooth, always has especially since we met in Sophomore year. She doesn't like vegetables but it helps keep her healthy. I dont include too many though, just a few carrots, celery, and broccoli.

By the time I had already cleared my head we were through the front gates of the school yard and into the school itself. Which was massive. It had four floors with the bottom one being for the predator animals including myself to mainly be. We hang out here with our mates, whomever and whatever status they may be. I myself am one of the highest ranking people in the school. I am a Bear, as well as my twin brother Remus.

He and I are extremely close but we run the school. We are lenient yes but we do not tolerate bullying of any kind. I can and have beat the shit out of somebody for calling people names such as "Fag" or "Tranny" just things that are racist or derogatory as a whole to one another. I hate it so I provoke the bullies enough to set them in their place. Once they touch me while angry and intending to hurt me I get every right to fight back and claim self defense.

I hear the first bell ring. Damn Patton might be in classes already. She much be at least.

*D I N G*

I hear my phone go off and check whom it was. It seems that it was Patton and she was wondering where I was. I quickly jog over towards my first class. Mr. Remy's class. He was pretty chill but if you are late for whatever reason you must either bring him coffee money ($5) for his coffee addiction as we call it. That or candy for his husband whom has the biggest sweet tooth ever.

I continue to jog over to his class since Patton says she's already in there talking to Logan, our school's student council president as well as the him being apart of the school body board (idk-). Good thing they are already there. For fear of being expelled and even held back nobody really messed with Logan. He isn't super strong but then again nobody has ever fought him.

🐶 Pattons POV 🐶

I finished texting Roman that I was already in class. I couldn't get food this morning as I was rushed out the door, for absolutely no reason class didn't start for thirty more minutes when I had got here. I had went straight into my classroom as I didnt wish to get shoved around again. Our school is very lgbtqia+ prideful. But there's still about half the school that absolutely hates us queer kids.

Luckily I made it with only one shove to the lockers. Nothing too serious happened just a small aching pain from my shoulder. I sit down near the back where I see Janus already there curled up on his heated bean bag chair. He was one of the only snake like people in the school. So there was things for him that either he brought from home or the school provided. Speaking of school stuff I see Logan waving at me calmly while sitting on the desks right next to me but not connected to my desk. Romans chair is connected to mine.

Speaking of her Roman just appeared through the classroom doors just as the bell rung. Remus right after her which luckily doesn't make him late. Remus immedietly went over to Janus and just flopped onto him. I softly giggled and hold Romans arm for warmth while she digs around her bag. I look at her confused and she gives me a soft smile before placing a large bowl filled with fruits. Many of them my favorite kind. I smile happily as I softly begin eating my food. Me and Roman begin chatting absent mindedly as I hear the phone in the front with the teacher go off. Mere moments later Logan was sent out of the room with the teacher merely saying "New Kid."

Left right and center everybody began whispering, excluding the passed out students. We were all curious on who the new kid was. Only a mere five minutes later Logan comes back and in enters the new student.

YES ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER SUE ME. It took me forever to write this one sorry. Many things were happening. But happy near year yall! Let me know what you think of this story so far. Thank you and see you all in the next chapter (prolly next month tbh-)

Sander Sides HS AuWhere stories live. Discover now