Please Stay (Kiyoyachi)

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It's curious isn't it? A bit weird too even. It's funny to think how one person can deliver gifts to millions if not billions of people around the world. It had intrigued Kiyoko ever since she got her first Christmas present when she was a year old.

How does one person deliver so many gifts?

She looked at the clock. Just 20 minutes more. 

Even as an eleven year old, she was graceful and silent while walking down each step. The raven-haired girl glided around a corner to look into the dark living room. With her be-spectacled eyes, she could make out the deep silhouette of a large Christmas tree and an empty fireplace. 5 minutes more. 

Kiyoko settled down, peeping from outside, into the living room. Her point of view opened up the whole living room to her; the chimney, the fireplace, the sofa, the tree and the mat below the tree. Just a minute more.

She counted till 59 before whispering a small, "Merry Christmas." 

Just as the words had left her mouth, she heard a rustle. It's coming from the chimney's direction. She peered into the darkness, waiting for her eyes to get used to the darkness. Another rustling sound was followed by a grunt and a thud. Kiyoko strained her eyes to see the fireplace more clearly. A tell-tale sound of footsteps reached her ears. From the little light filtering through the windows, she saw a small shadow being cast on the ground. She watched as the shadow-draped 'thing' approached their Christmas tree. Her heart thumped in her small ribcage, hammering against her check from anticipation, excitement and even a little fear.

At first, it wasn't evident but, the glow from the creature slowly increased. The silver light illuminated two tiny hands, then a dainty outline before finally illuminating the face. The sweet, soothing light calmed Kiyoko's raging heart like a wave of gentle rain. Looking at the little girl, much like herself, Kiyoko couldn't help but slowly enter the living room. She stood up from her sitting position and walked up to the couch. The blonde girl seemed to exude a gentle, mysterious aura but she seemed delicate all the same. Kiyoko stood behind the tall couch and peeped at the girl from behind.

Thud. The black haired girl's stupor had finally showed a side effect as she fell facefirst on the soft rug. Oh no... She'll go away! That was all she could think before she heard hasty steps as she glanced towards the mystery girl. The tiny blonde girl screamed silently as she tried to make haste in her escape, her bare feet scraping against the fireplace's bricks and her rich velvet dress snagging on a piece of wood. Kiyoko's heart hammered, she didn't know what to say. The millions of words in her mind had no room to come out of her mouth. She tried to muster the only thing she could say.

"Please stay!" Her childishly sweet voice drew the other girl's attention. Kiyoko shivered unexpectedly. Apparently, the strange girl seemed to notice that because she draped something warm over Kiyoko who had not gotten up. For the first time, a voice left the blonde. "Okay... I will... But please get up first. It makes me feel bad that you fell."

Kiyoko took her outstretched hand, which was as shaky as her voice, and stood up. The blonde girl's small warm hand was still wrapped around her name. "My name's Kiyoko Shimizu." She bowed at the girl. Letting of her hand, the blonde girl bowed back. "My name is Yachi Hitoka." "Nice to meet you Yachi." The girl, Yachi, smiled at her with a certain wonder in her eyes. The look in her eyes was what Kiyoko felt: bedazzled. "What happened Yachi?" That seemed to snap her out of her stupor. "No! N-no not-nothing at all! I was just looking?" Kiyoko chuckled at her nervousness. "It's okay Yachi, I'm not a cockroach. Even if I was, you'd have nothing to fear because you have magic hands!" Yachi grinned at her words. "Hehe... You saw my magic?" "Yes! It was beautiful..." The silence gave Kiyoko time to think more.

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