A Hug For The Ace (Bokuaka)

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A typical day at Fukurodani, what does it hold? Studies, the chatter of students and ofcourse, the sounds of intense practice from the volleyball club after school.

A resounding sharp thud echoed in the gym as one of Japan's 5 top aces spiked the ball. As soon as the grey-black haired boy's feet touched the ground, Bokuto punched the air and shouted, "HEY HEY HEEEEYY!"

He turned towards the setter, one of his best friends and one and only boyfriend, Akaashi, and yelled happily, "Did you see that? Did you see that spike? Was it nice? Did you see that Aaakaashhii? Your tosses are PERFECT!" The black haired boy's lips twitched upwards in a small smile as he said, "You're amazing Bokuto-san."

The baby owl (Bokuto of course) smiled widely. "It's your tosses which bring out the best in me Akaashi." He spoke while making a finger heart, "You bring out the best in me." Since they were the only people in the Gym, Akaashi wasn't as shy and replied by making a heart with his hands.

Seeing Akaashi reciprocate his gestures of love, Bokuto's heartbeat sped up to a mile a minute. He opened his arms wide and hopped towards Akaashi. "Give me a hug pleaseeee~~" Just as Bokuto was about to land in Akaashi's arms, the green-eyed boy side-stepped and chided the older boy, "Bokuto Koutarou I will not hug you till you clean up and wipe that sweat off." The Ace turned back to face his boyfriend and pouted. "Akaashi meanie!"

The setter only rolled his eyes as he intertwined fingers with Bokuto. Bokuto spoke up, "Let's go to my place. You can wear my clothes after we both take a shower." Since their parents were okay with them dropping in at any time at each others' houses, they had nothing to fear.

The walk home was relatively quiet, punctuated with the crunch of fallen leaves of trees typical of autumn. After reaching Bokuto's home, they pair took turns taking a shower.

A few minutes later Akaashi noticed Bokuto spraying a light deodorant on himself. "Koutarou, what's that for?" Bokuto looked at the deodorant and smiled, "Oh this? So that I won't stink like sweat and you can hug me!" His innocent expression at that moment meant everything to Akaashi. "Come here Koutarou." Bokuto smiled like a baby and spoke in a sing song voice, "Keiji~" He jumped into Akaashi's extended arms and wrapped himself around the beautiful boy, knocking them backwards onto Bokuto's bed.

"Finally, I got a hug for the ace huh?" Akaashi smiled at Bokuto's statement as he rested his head on the Ace's wide shoulders. "Hmm, yeah. You can say that." Akaashi backed away just a bit and pressed a short kiss on Bokuto's lips. As he pulled away, he saw Bokuto's big fat blush. "Keiji?" "Hmm?" "Do that again please..." "With pleasure."

Akaashi kissed Bokuto again but slightly more deeply than before. Bokuto's hands flew upwards to cup Akaashi's neck as Akaashi's hands remained on the taller boy's waist. Bokuto tilted his head to deepen the kiss further, his lips moving in unison with Akaashi's.

They pulled apart after a while, but didn't let go of each other. They admired each others' beauty. Bokuto could look into Akaashi's beautiful green eyes for years on end, and Akaashi could spend and an enternity trying to identify every hazel shade in Bokuto's eyes.

Akaashi cracked a smile and Bokuto giggled along. The black-grey haired boy gestured to the TV. "Want to watch a movie?" Then slightly shyly, " And cuddle maybe?" Akaashi smiled in return and ruffled his boyfriend's hair which was now hanging down, "Anything for you Kotarou."

Author's Note

I hope this oneshot was good. It's short again... I know. I'll try to make lengthier ones, but this dead fish over here needs requests lmao.

I'm being annoying but, I'm a dead fish... I'm supposed to be annoying.

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