The Forgotten Brother Part 1

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Maxon POV
Why can't I get a break for once? I sort through the files in front of me, I had missed a few days of work and there was much to catch up on. Then after finishing my own papers I hope to get to look at America's, she definitely hasn't gotten to anything in days. Not that I blame her, 2 days earlier she had given birth to the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. I might be extremely biased but Eadlyn and Ahren are perfect. It took 2 years of marriage and hardship but they are totally worth the wait.

I look back down at the paper right in front of me, it had been a month since we removed the 6th caste. Now there was only 1-5, which was definitely progress. The eighth took the longest so far, being able to gather so many people who have been ostracized and help them realize they are wanted in Illea. The paper was filled with graphs and charts showing how people were adjusting. While the lowest castes rejoiced the "upper class" citizens did whatever they could to keep their power. It was getting on my nerves, how could people refuse to treat people with basic decency? Obviously they had grown up with this lifestyle and it would be difficult to change, but once all of them are removed I am sure they will be thankful for it.

Luckily before I could get to some packets on taxes there was a knock on the door. Sure it was 2am but everyone knew that I liked to work late, I have a bad habit of not sleeping so well. Having newborn twins was definitely going to make that habit permanent.

"Come in," I call out to the knocker. Speak with authority Maxon, a voice whispered in my mind. So just to spite my dear old father I decided to slouch in my chair, randomly when his voice came up I would practice doing the exact opposite. I planned on being a good father to my children, if that meant random moments of bad posture or jokes, so be it.

A man entered the room, everything about him spoke chivalry except for his crooked grin. Aspen Leger gave a slight bow of his head before crossing his arms. "Maxon, we have a problem," he spoke with a strange insecurity.

"Is America awake? Tell her I'll come to her soon, and if she complains tell her that I am catching up on papers so we don't have to go through them when we want to spend time with our children." I gave Aspen a quick smile before looking back down at my sheets. America hates when I leave her in the middle of the night, especially now when she wakes up to feed the twins.

"As far as I am concerned, she is still sleeping. I didn't see anyone walking into your bedroom to help her out." Aspen clarified, "The problem is we have an unexpected visitor waiting to meet with you downstairs. Kota Singer has decided to pay a visit in the middle of the night." Aspen looked down awkwardly, "When he saw me he asked if the twins were mine."

Of course he did. "And if America is still sleeping she doesn't know her brother is here." I stood up begrudgingly from my desk, "America didn't invite him to our wedding, he hasn't ever come here. What could he want from us? Just to rattle our cages? Because I am not voluntarily meeting a man for him to insult my wife." Maxon took a deep breath, "Even if that man is related to her."

"His relationship is rocky with all of the Singer children, he didn't even show up at Kenna's funeral," Aspen pointed out. "While I don't think he is a security threat I do believe he plans to get under your skin. Why else would he visit when normally people would be asleep?"

"So we tell him to leave," I walked over to Aspen. "I don't want him here, especially while America is recovering. I would also like you to know that I do not believe in any way that America would be unfaithful to me, that being said I am sorry about his comment about the twins. Especially because of your situation with Lucy, it is highly inconsiderate of him."

"Thank you your majesty, though it's obviously not something that is public knowledge." Aspen cleared his throat, "As much as I want him out of here I do advise you meet with Kota anyway. Because if you don't do it now who is to say when he will return. Next time to bother America instead of us."

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