The Forgotten Brother Part 2

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Maxon POV
I stood in the room pacing. America hadn't arrived yet. I hope Aspen had gotten to the twins. Kota had chosen to hide in a corner, I assume the stress was getting to him. It was getting to me to, an attack like this hadn't happened in months, the southern rebels were taken care of. Could August have done this? We hadn't been on good terms for a while, was this his chance to finally take the crown? Was he going to shoot me and my family like what happened to my parents?

No one had given me any updates, which was extremely unusual. Normally I would be informed about the safety of the palace, and who was the culprit for the crime. This day was getting weirder and weirder. Where was Aspen when you needed him?

So far the only people in the room were some maids, guards lining the walls, and of course Kota and myself. And if I ran upstairs to my wife, all of them, except Kota, would prevent me from doing so. Which was why I couldn't stop pacing, I had to let my nervous energy do something.

I heard a woman scream and I looked up quickly. America was in the arms of a guard, he was holding her bridal style while America scratched and punched him. The man quickly put my wife down eager to stop his torment. I ran up to them quickly, "My dear you're alright."

Her face was red with tears and hugged me tight, "Maxon. I woke up from the noise. You weren't there. The babies were missing from their bassinet. What is happening?" She continued to cry, "the guard saw me in the hallway and brought me down here against my will. The maids were missing. You were missing." Her voice shook.

"Come with me my darling." I held her hand and led her to a new room that was attached to the safe room. I scanned my hand and the door opened. The room was simple, looking like all of the safe rooms upstairs. I decided to have it installed once we got married, that way if there would be an attack the both of us would have privacy. I wasn't going to change my clothing in a public setting. Obviously there were people who were given clearance to have the door open, but it was better than a public audience.

I led America to the cot on the floor and held her tight, "I was up with late night work. I didn't mean to startle you." I rubbed my hands up and down her back, "and if the twins are missing that means Aspen got to them. I sent him to protect them. He took your maids with him so that he could have someone to care for the children. Took them to a safe room near our bedroom, I didn't know what baby supplies we had down here."

"Why didn't he wake me up Maxon? I should be with my babies, they need me. They have to be fed in less than an hour Maxon." America continued to cry. I understood her concerns, I also knew that she wouldn't be able to act as rationally as usual. Hormones and all of that, not that America would ever acknowledge it.

"I've kept a secret from you my America. It's why Aspen knew not to wake you up." I sighed and stopped hugging her. America wiped her eyes and looked into mine, they were filled with concern.

"Remember those meetings we had with the advisors? The ones about our future children?" I took America's hands into my own. "Always awkward and suggestive, like their words would make a baby appear in our lives."

America gave a small laugh, "I remember vividly." She began to slowly calm down, "having people check up on us, forcing me to go to constant doctor appointments. Then after we got pregnant none of that stopped. I doubt they will ever stop."

I laughed with her, "Those meetings. But as you know there were times where they wanted to see us individually, and during one of those times they told me about a law that my father set up. One that I can't just throw away." I took a deep breath. America gave me a supportive look, as if to say take your time.

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