The Pool

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America POV
"What took you so long? Did the twins keep you busy?" I ask as my husband enters our bedroom. He looked stressed, usually Maxon was so serene after putting the children to sleep. Something he wished his father had done. I did it sometimes, but I usually decided to let Maxon spend time with the children on his own. I get more time to be with them during the day, it was only fair.

"Well Kaden fell asleep before I even made it to his room, such a good sleeper our little boy," Maxon spoke with a certain sweetness in his voice as he was changing into clothing for sleep. "The twins on the other hand decided to conspire against me. I was almost blackmailed by my own children." Maxon cracked a smile, "they get that from you."

"Me?" I sat up in bed defensively. "If I recall correctly when I take stupid risks I don't bother with blackmail, I just face the consequences. You on the other hand are way more political. It's your fault that they are so smart." I tried to act playful with Maxon, hoping to lighten his mood.

"They said they won't go to sleep unless I did 3 things for them." Maxon slid on a T-shirt and shorts and joined me in bed, "Number one,  tell them a bedtime story. Number two, let them miss school tomorrow. I mean they have been working pretty hard, they deserve to have a break every once and a while."

I began to rub my hand over Maxon's back, "and the third?" I whispered as Maxon looked into my eyes.

"They want a pool. One built on the palace grounds. I told them I couldn't make any promises with the last one, they decided to let it pass." Maxon's tone turned sorrowful, "I hate not being able to give them something, the four of you have my heart and if I could I would give anything you request."

"Maxon a pool is a big request, but I also don't get why we can't have one. I know you are worried because of your scars but it wouldn't be an issue. We could have the pool built indoors and even then you wouldn't have to use it." I kissed his shoulder, "or if you feel ready for it you can go swimming. Your father isn't around Maxon, I know you worry but he isn't here. You used to love to swim before it all happened, it could be good for you." At this point there would be no repercussions for anyone seeing the scars. I'm sure if he wanted to we could come up with a convincing lie.

"America I know you mean well but a pool really isn't in the cards. Him being alive or dead isn't why I're right that if the pool was indoors it would help. No press taking photographs and less staff coming around to watch us." He looked down, "but wherever that pool is there would be a day where the kids ask me to swim with them and I'll have to say no. The staff know not to ask, but if the children saw what would they think? What would I tell them?"

"It's not hard to lie to six year olds Maxon.  We could come up with something until they are older. An injury with a sports or riding, I don't know. Or you could wear a shirt in the pool to cover up, I know that's not ideal but if you really want it Maxon you can have it." I held onto my husband tightly.

"America our children are curious. Remember when Eadlyn asked you whether you ate Kaden to get him in your stomach? Or when Ahren saw a portrait of my father and asked me why my eyes changed colors?" He sighed, "Or that first night where our children were in their new rooms and we were basically unclothed when they walked in to come sleep with us? Afterward we learned that we have to always fall asleep fully clothed. But this isn't something I can just adapt. They don't have boundaries America and I'm scared that they will one day trigger something in me. Something that would make me want to hide from them. I can't bare to see the looks on their faces when they are old enough to realize that my father abused me."

Maxon went extremely silent after that, the only sounds from him were tears. I held him through the night until we both fell asleep. There wasn't going to be a pool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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