Scene 14 - Full Analysis

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We have returned to the laboratory. The Doctor analyses the dead corpse of the creature Matella and Scab let die earlier. Wearing his special glasses, he carefully interprets the information the screen displays. The Doctor is intrigued by these findings. He looks up to the dead TerraPhome in its glass container and takes off his glasses.


Ah! Fascinating.


Well, anything... err... erm... new we-we-we have established, or are about to, if that makes erm... any sense, as one puts it.


Nothing else you need to know. Apart from what we already understand about them, and the fact that these beings are highly intelligent and cunning. Not necessarily in terms of their understanding and concepts, but their basic hunting instincts are far greater than anything I've ever encountered.


I'll just go to fetch mother.

He heads off.


What does he mean, fetch mother?


I just don't know where he stands exactly.


We must remain aware and cautious of his actions and motives.


I think we all want to keep our eyes peeled for him. He seems a bit of an old one.


I-I-I-I-I-I believe that I am making the most rational, reasonable erm, decision in electing... err, you Scab, to go investigate.


Huh? Me? But, but, but...


Excuses, excuses, excuses man. Don't be shy. Have some nerve my dear err, Scab. Come along now. The err... future of every man depends on you now.

He pulls out his gun again.

Be away with you now.

He quivers, before making his way to follow Roberts.


Yeah, I don't think he is really the best person for the job somehow.


My judgement and-and-and leadership I-I-I am very proud of the achievement, of. We have done well with it. And with the aid of this device...


(Unhappily) Hmph. Guns.


Seal the entrances! Quick!




I said... TOO LATE!

The weary Scab eventually finds Roberts by the exit of the craft – and opening the airlock! The TerraPhomes arrive! One of them screams out with many tentacles writhing furiously. Scab screams like a little girl as he watches the tentacles grab him and bring him forward. The possessed Roberts smiles wickedly. The others hear the scream and look at each other before they head on out. The Doctor stands in front of the exit of the lab, behind is Rose, Hope, Stip, and Matella. They watch the monster slither its arms around him – both it and Scab screaming terrifyingly.

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