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Kyoka Jiro P.O.V

I just went through a major emotional breakdown. Crying in my dorm room for an hour or two. Just last week I found out Denki Kaminari cheated on my with some shiozaki bitch from class 1-B. It was bound to happen. I knew because of my body. Im not as good looking as the other girls and I knew it. My first relationship was a fucking joke and I couldn't believe it.

It was a good thing I didn't have my "First time" with him so, I dont know if I could call it a real relationship if we didn't really do "it". But it did led me to a point to were I developed some sort of depression. It was not the worst or anything and neither was it dangerously depressive but it was still bad. I've had suicidal thoughts before but, not many and only one attempt and it was on that day.

But the last words he told me when I caught them making out stabbed me harder than any words anyone has said to me. "Your not as beautiful as you think you are.". Thats when I ran out his house and ran to mine. My parents weren't home so I grabbed my dads shotgun and put it in my mouth pointing to the brain. I then stopped myself because I was too scared to do it. I cried in my room for two hours after that.

After that day the dorms opened up at school and I for real thought of either dropping out or transferring to 1-B just so I don't have to see him. When I moved to the dorms no one really payed attention to my new behavior as I noticed it in myself.

I was currently sitting on the up against the wall that faced another wall and in between it was a window. It was my sitting place I sit at to make me feel comfortable. That and the edge of the roof at night raining or not it just felt comfortable to sit there. I thought of it as a good way to deal with my sort of depression state. At one point I was laying on the edge and debating if I should just roll off. Which I didn't.

Aizawa then walked through the door and everyone looked over to see a navy blue haired boy. He had a closed smile and his eyes had a dark side. I know because I've been there. He was roughly about five foot nine to five foot eleven. I turn my attention away from the boy as a I look at the rain pouring outside but still listen to what he has to say.

"Ok this is your new student. I have to go now though so be nice and Introduce yourself." I heard Aizawa say before I heard the door close.

"I am your new student. Names Nekumagi Karma." I turn my attention to him still sitting down. I feel like ive heard that name before. "So whats your quirk?" I heard Midoriya say with his note book out. "Its something I'd rather demonstrate." He said with a sinister smile.

Then mist started emitting behind him and he walked back into it and simiply disappearing. "HAAAAA!" He breathed as he reappearing in front of Bakugo who was trying to beat an annoying level in Mario on his ds before he broke it after Karma planted a knife next him and stabbed into the table.

I looked at his face and He had sunken eyes showing his pitch black sockets and his sinister eye to eye smile with two fangs the same color of his skin hang down from his upper jaw. "That tapping was really getting annoying." He said as his face turned back to normal with his normal sinister smile.

"THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" Bakugo said whilst I covered my ears as that was too loud. He was sparking his hands threateningly. Karma's smile grew bigger. "I can tell your type already. You think you are above everyone else because your quirk is strong. You are the same as all of the suck ups ive seen in my whole life."
Bakugo then threw a hand about explode his face but then Karma caught his hands and interlocked his fingers in both his hands.

"So? what are you going to do now? blow up? if thats the case then both of our arms come off." He let out a smile. "You fucking psycho! you know you just talked about your own hand too right?!" Bakugo shouted actually sounding terrified. Karma then let out the smile he had when he teleported with his mist.

"I'd rather loose a hand than my life. Its simple monopoly. If you don't think like that you cant become a hero. What are you going to do now? I have more physical strength than you do so you cant do jack. How does it feel to be at the bottom of the pedestal." This guy. Is smart as hell. He rendered Bakugo. one of the strongest kids in class. rendered useless with a single movement.

"You really are a fucking psycho." Bakugo said whilst Karma kept his face. No one dared stop him because they'd fear they just make it worse. I just watched for amusement. 'I like this guy already.' I thought as I kept watching.

"Yea I might be.......Ive been called many things. Scary, Psycho, Freak. Honestly I never really started this real behavior until three years ago when I had enough of the bullshit. You think im scary fine then I will be scary." Karma said which made everyone but me shiver. Honestly if he is a psycho and targeted me I wouldn't mind at all since im too scared to do it myself.

He then relieved Bakugos hands and looked at the rest of the class with his normal face. "Don't take me for a bad guy. Everyone already does that. I have no intention of harming anyone. I just have the habit of acting like it. I just hate it when people truly life up to the saying that should be known to everyone. "No man is created equal." I think thats bullshit." Karma then proceeded to scan the room to see if he missed anybody. He then looked at me and I looked back.

I slowly turn my head back to the window and look outside at the rain. I heard his footsteps as he walked towards me. I felt his eyes on me. But they weren't burning they were. Warm? I look at him and he looked at my eyes as if he saw something.

"The eyes are the window to the soul. Your soul is full of sorrow and it is shown in your eyes." I snickered at him. "You really are different than all of these idiots.......... Ive been like this for about a week and no one said anything. All it took you was one look and you saw right through me." He then sat at the opposite wall that I did right across from me.

"That was quite a show you put there. You rendered one of our strongest completely useless with one move. Your smart." He then smirked. "It helps when people have pictured you the bad guy and you watch assassination classroom." I looked at him with a confused look. Did he want to become an assassin or a hero.

"You looking to assassinate someone there wide smile." "possibly, I believe its bullshit that you have to cuff a villain in a situation that involves the only way out is to kill them." Karma stated I looked into his eyes and I saw what he meant by the eyes are windows to the soul. Behind those devilish eyes I also saw sorrow.

"The Eyes are the window to the soul. So you wanna talk about it?" He looked at me as if he just saw his refection for the first time.


The Assassin Hero: Death Smile  ( Oc x Kyoka Jiro)Where stories live. Discover now