Flawless Victory

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( Btw this story is going to entirely be Jiro's P.O.V minus some certain chapters)

I woke up from our sleep and I feel. Warm? I slowly open my eyes and I turn red as I was sleeping on Karma's chest. This isn't bad right? we are just best friends! yea he's a psycho and Im his best friend. Hell we made deep cuts into each others's chest to mark that. So this is normal right?

He then slowly opens his eyes and sadisticly smiled. "What happened to no funny business." I punch him on his cut. "S-shut up. Its your first day of class so get to your room and change." He then misted himself and I face planted onto the bed. "ugggghhh. Well that quirk is useful when he is here after curfew." I say to myself as I turn myself look at the ceiling.

I then place my hand on my chest cut that is currently bandaged. It still stings but I don't care. It means something to someone who shares a similar soul. Someone who understood how I feel just by looking at my eyes. Is he a true friend? I get dressed for school which I wear long sleeves under.

I walked down the stair to see Smile McGe sitting drinking some coffee alone. I sat with him and we started to chat. "So last night you said something about assassination classroom. The hell is that?" I asked and he chuckled. Assassination classroom is a shonen anime/manga series that first came into light during a weekly shonen jump magazine on july 2nd on 2012. Its about a teacher thats supposably unkillable and a class of low placed junior high kids who are trying to kill him before a certain date or he will destroy the world. The cut was ten billion yen for who ever killed him. which I would totally do." He smiled at that last part as he took a sip of coffee.

"I mean can I blame you? who wouldn't?" "touché" He responded. I cant stop the feeling of a burning sharp pair of eyes on me. I whip around to see Kaminari giving me a deathly glare. The hell is his problem?! He just cheated on me! I give him a taste of my own glare. We stayed like that until I saw Karma misted behind him and grab him by the collar and lift him up.

"You've got a problem friend or would you like me to.........rearrange your eyes?" I couldn't help but smile at this. Damn this might be the best friendship I will ever get. "You know I dont really understand the purpose of glares. They show threats but.......dont hold any real meaning. But when you draw a knife." "Ok ok I get dude. You need to chill." Karma's face turned to normal as he came back and sat down.

"Honestly, You and Bakugo are complete opposites when it comes to that shit." I joked. "I mean showing pride off like that is wrong. But I cant say knife threats aren't wrong either. They just make people shut up more." He joked which made me chuckle. I wonder. "Do you have techniques for defeating everyone in our class. I mean Bakugo was simple. What about lets say Kaminari. His quirk is electrification he can discharge electricity but it short circuits his brain." I state as Karma interlocks him finger and puts his mouth behind them. Guess thats his thinking face.

"Only discharging right? Thats easy stick you foot in the ground at least an inch deep. Then then attempt to stand on that foot using your foot as a ground the electricity cant hurt you." I look at him in shock. It took him about a quarter of a minutes to think of that. "well then. what about todoroki." "I mean if you stab his palms he cant do jack right?" "Tokoyami?" "It would seem he lacks physical contact so I just got to get close to him." " Yaoyorozu ?" "If I simply break the weapons she is using against me she would reach a limit correct?"

I look at him in complete shock. " Midoriya showed me his notebook." Karma stated as I put a bruh face on. "I do say its interesting how much he rights in that." He gets up and roughly places his fist on my cut. " Isn't school about to start? lets go." I then do the same to his cut. God dammit it hurt but fuck that. "Lets go."

Time skipu BTYB Nekumagi and Kyoka having their fist on the others cuts.

Me and Karma arrived at class and he took seros seat next to me. "Um you know Kaminari has that seat right?" I question but I honestly think he took it on purpose. "Eh he can sit in the new seat. He would probably like it more." He said pointing to the new seat next to Sero's.

The Assassin Hero: Death Smile  ( Oc x Kyoka Jiro)Where stories live. Discover now