Best buds

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Jiro's P.O.V

"Sure" The crazy boy said as he stood up and offered me his hand. "You can visit my room once your done unpacking." I said taking his hand and standing up.

Time skipu

I heard a knock on my door while I was in the middle of adding a cut on my arm with a knife at hand. It just feels good and It calms my nerves. "One second" I put the knife down after I wiped it and I sleeved my arm.

I opened the door to the boy with a psychotic first impression. "Alright come in." I said as I move aside to let him through. he walked in and started to eye my room as I sat down. What I wasn't expecting him to stare at the counter where the knife was on.

"Hmmm." "W-what are you doing?" I said as he picked up the knife and started throwing it up and down catching it with the handle every time. He then stopped and then cut his wrist. I was taken a shock by this. "huh. so you like using dented blades. Can't be one to judge they calm nerves some times.Helps with stress." he said putting the blade down.

He then walks up to me and tries to pull up my sleeve but then I stop him with my other hand. He left his hand there and I kept mine there. It was something personal I didn't really want to express to anyone. I then realize that he has the same eyes as me but instead of showing the sorrow that doesn't get noticed he hides  it with a psychopathic cloak. He is probably the only person I can open up to this about. I just didn't know why.

I let my hand go from his and he continues to lift my sleeve and he sees the cuts i've been giving myself for a week. "huh, seems like you been doing this for about a week, 2 cuts a day." I chuckle. "You really are a psycho." I joke and he laughs. " I guess I am." He then reveals his sleeve to were my eyes widened. he had cross cuts about a few hundred of them on just one arm. I caressed my hand on them. "I stopped last year. It got boring. Lost its touch when stress stopped existing for me." He said with his signature sinister smile.

"So you wanted to talk about it right?" I asked as he looked at me. "Yea........ I wasn't the guy I was my whole life. You probably heard me say that already." I nodded my head and I waited for him to continue.

"I was........pushed to that quirk is a quirk mutation. My mother and father are quirkless. Having a knife quirk and the word karma as a last name got me bullied." I looked at him with the face I held for a week starting a week ago. "I was a good kid. I never really fought back. But that all changed when I over heard my own mother say something. She called me "A scary freak"." My eyes widened at this.

Fuck my relationship with Kaminari that ended up with me getting a bit of depression. But his mom called him a scary freak. A person who could've died giving birth to him just called him something he didn't deserve. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Ouch." I mutter.

"After that I ran away with all the money. Eh. dont say anything." "Lips sealed they fucking deserved it." " I started to live at my only friend's moms house. He passed away during a pandemic and His mother was willing to take care of me. I trust her because she was always good to me." He said as he looked out the window in my dorm room.

"After that day I told something to myself that changed me to who i am now. "They want to call me scary and freak? ok then Ill be that way then." and I started to change the next day. Scaring all of the kids in class and showing them the smile I give after I use my quirk. originally I was smarter than most kids in class. Then I became the smartest in the school." He sat down next to me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Im sorry." "Its fine. Im enjoying this psychopathic life." he said that last part as he put his mist smile on and I chuckle. "So wanna talk about yours?" He asked as I shook my head lightly. "I mean it happened to me recently. I would like to open it you but..........Its just............... I can't." I start to tear up remembering the words Kaminari told me. "Your not as beautiful as you think you are."

"Its fine if you dont want to talk about it. I just happened to you and you are new to this 'depression' It gets to one point to where you loose all your stress. Like what happened to me. Thats how I was able express it so easily." He pats my head as he said that.

"So? you never really answered my question? You looking to assassinate someone?" I asked. "Can I trust you not to say anything?" "Like is said lips sealed." "I have an assassination license." I went silent and my eyes opened wide at him.

"So then w-why are you at U.A? and how the hell you have a assassination license?" I questioned a little scared that he has an assassination license. He literally has the power to kill us without punishments. He started to chuckle. "Like I said earlier. I have not intention to harm any of you." He smirked which sent relief to my body.

"I actually talked to the police department chief. He asked me my intentions and I said I want to be the first assassin based hero. He looked at me and sat with me and we talked and my words actually convinced him to actually talk to the Japanese gov. about getting me a license. Which I obviously have." He pulled the license out of his pocket and gave it to me.

"Lips sealed."I said again looking at it. "Can we really make an amend to that?" " I mean we can......... I might know a way......" I said getting up and grabbing the blade from my counter and I poked his chest with it. He then misted and breathed behind me with his smile which then he took off.

"must be annoying to have to do that to summon a blade every time." I joked while I lifted an Eye brow. "You get used to it." He shrugged. We then pulled the collar of our shirt downward as we poked each other in the center of our chest with each others blade. I shivered at this. "Ready?" He asked asked.

"Lets fucking do this." I didn't know why I wanted to do this. It just felt right. we then pressed the blades down digging into our chest but not far. we then cut sideways to make a mark. "ah" I hissed at little this hurt like hell. He cut to the left upwards and I did to the right downwards. we stopped and now we have a long deep cut in the center of our chest. We quickly grabbed bandages and put some over them.

"Fuck it stings like hell" I said as I clutch my chest as I sat down. He then put his clenched fist over my cut and I shiver but I got him back and I felt him shiver. "So is this gonna be our thing? Guess that makes us best friends then." I answered my own question for him.

He then stood up."Guess so. What ya say Kyoka? Best friends?" He punches my Cut and I punch his. "Best friends." I look at the time and its 10pm. "Damn 10pm past our curfew. looks like your sleepin here Neku." He then proceed to lean himself on the base of the bed trying to get comfortable. "on the bed dimwit. No funny business. We sleep on opposite sides of each other." I said making space as he got on the bed his head at the end of the bed.

"Night Bud"

"Night Psycho"

The Assassin Hero: Death Smile  ( Oc x Kyoka Jiro)Where stories live. Discover now