Roof Smoke

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Kyoka jiro's P.O.V

I walked to the dorms alone that time. when I got there the first thing I did was knock on Karma's door to see if he is ok. Nothing. I went and took a shower. It was 5:30 pm and I had no idea where Karma was. And it seemed like I was the only one to care.

I go to my room alone. Again. I breathe in and out as I reached for my knife to cut myself again then reach for my phone and texted him while caressing the Cut on the center of my chest.

Kyoka: Wya

NekuKarma: Some where thats great for thinking.

I start to think. Maybe he is still at school? No wait he is probably at a local park or something. No wait he has the same sorrow I do so maybe. I start to walk up to the roof. I open the door and see him sitting off the edge. there were a couple of glass bottles next to him and they were full. Beer?

I shrug it off and sat next to him. "Hi." "Hi" We sat there in silence for a bit. "Honestly you scared everyone there even me. But it wasn't fearful scare it was. Worry. Thats why I wanted to come find you and talk to you." I said as I place my palm on his Cut and he place his on mine. "You this cut. Even though it hurt like fucking hell. It means a lot me. Because Unlike a friend ship bracelet or necklace you can never take it off nor can it break. And it will always hold the memories I will have with you. Its ever lasting just like our friendship." He than hugs me and I hug back. He may be crazy, Psychopathic, and unpredictable but he is still human, He still feels emotion at times.

We stay like that for a couple of minutes before we breakaway and look off to the view of the night. Then I heard a spark and then I turned to him. He had a cigarette in his mouth. "You smoke?" "I mean yea......... It feels good to. Just like beer." "How old are you?" "16 just like you." I then nudge his arm and he looks at and I swiftly snatch his and put it in my mouth.

He then chuckles and lights another one and puts in his mouth. We then let out smoke at the same time. "We could get in so much trouble for this." I said with a smirk basically saying. I know it and I don't give a shit." "I know and I don't give a flying fuck. You?" He asks as he turns to me. "Not even a little." I say as a blow smoke in his face.

"So you said you would tell me later the deal between you and Dumbass. So?" Karma said as we look off at the night. It was painful that day. But im thankful that I didn't kill myself after Kaminari cheated on me. Because now I met him. Karma.

"A little more than a week ago we were boyfriend and girlfriend." I put a lot of emphasis on the word "were" which he got the memo. "So what happened between you two?" My best friend asked of me while I looked down in sorrow.

"I-I walked into his room at on point because I was visiting and........... I saw him making out with a bitch from class 1-B." Karma looked at me. He looked slightly pist. "That wasn't the worst part........... W-when H-he noticed me he s-said "You are not as beautiful as you think you are"." I said that last part in unison with my memory. I started to tear up a little.

"I already k-knew I wasn't as pretty as the o-other girls b-but h-hear it from him just..........hurt." I said trying to wipe my tears. "Want me to kick his ass?" Karma said in a joking voice as an attempt to cheer me up and I chuckled a bit.

"Don't you would probably get in trouble. It would be more enjoyable to see it in-front of whole class while training though. My dad wanted to shoot his dick off but my mom restrained him from doing so. Ill probably record your fight." I said and he laughed as we smashed our cigarettes onto the roof top putting them out.

Karma the proceed to grab 2 beer bottles and attempted to give me one. "We co-. You know what fuck it." I said as I took it and he handed me a beer opener after he opened his. He then placed his beer over my cut and I chuckled as I do the same to him. "This is how were are toasting for now on? sweet..." I said as he chuckled.

We finished our beers and went to my his dorm room since tomorrow was Saturday and his room had more beers.

I woke up on Karmas chest. 'What the fuck...... I don't remember getting in his bed.' My hair was messy as fuck. 'Wait dont tell me we.' I blush as I turned to look to see his cloths still on. I was kinda disappointed but. 'Wait why am I thinking that he is just my best friend right? Do I have a crush on my best friend?! I mean he helped me with so much.' I lay my head back on his chest and think. I was still half awake so I ended up falling asleep again.

I woke up to Karma patting my head. I immediately shot up blushing which I regretted because it felt good. "Eh?!" "Good Morning to you too." He said placed his hand on my scar and I did it back. I smile. 'Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I had a crush on this psycho. He could be my psycho.' "God your cute" I immediately jump out of my thoughts when he said that.

"Repeat that?"

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