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Kyoka's P.O.V

I woke up and we reeked of sex and beer. I was currently naked sleeping on the chest of my psychopath who started to slowly opened his eyes. "Morning psycho." "Morning cutie" I ended up taking a shower in his room and borrowed a large shirt of his and went to my room to grab my self something to wear under.

After I did so I decided to go down stairs for some reason. I just wanted to. So I did. I got downstairs and I felt a lot of eyes at me. "What?" I asked confused on why almost everyone is looking at me. I haven't been getting this attention for a week.

"Don't "What?" Us why the hell are you dating that psychopath!" I heard Mina yell the same question I heard yesterday. Where is all of this coming from?! "Why do you care now? you obviously didn't care for about a week." I say shooting a glare at her. "Hell you didn't even say anything to me. So why now huh? Dont judge a book because of the first page not only the cover." I continue to shoot a glare at her.

"Jiro you changed. He changed you. You need to stop." I heard Yaoyorozu. Of all people it was Yaoyorozu who said that. One of the closest friends I had just told be to break from the person who truly shows he cared. And the one I shared my first time with. I clench my fist.

"I CHANGED?! LOOK AT YOU!" I shout causing everyone to look at me. "You were one of the closest friends I had! And you haven't thought about talking to me once when I was emotionally drained for a fucking week! And Now you telling me to break away from the one person who truly understood me!" I shout with tears in my eyes. All eyes were on me now. Im surprised Iida hasn't came air chopping telling me to keep my voice down.

"Fuck you guys. I don't even know why I came down here." I say walking back up the stairs going to the one place that will comfort me. His room. Karma's room. My love life's room. I open the door and he is not there I wonder where he went. I sat on his bed and await for his arrival to comfort me as I start to sniffle into a pillow.

Third person P.O.V

Everyone but a select few were baffled at the situation after Jiro left. what did she mean by emotionally drained? did something happen in her life? what did the psychopath see in her and what did she see in him.

Karma then entered the room at the center using his mist and his signature mist smile. Everyone noticed one thing. He didn't make his knife disappear. "Who did it?" He said in an sinister yet angry tone. "Who made her cry?" He asked scanning the room.

"The fuck do you care psycho." Kaminari said everyone saw something new. He squinted his sockets as he kept his smile. "Oh? A man can ask who made the one he loves cry? Honestly do you really think im not human?" "Like hell you love her." Kaminari snarled back.

"Listen I know your stupid and got ranked 20 in the midterms but you cant be that dumb. Do you know the difference between a socio and a Psycho?" Karma said as he backed up into his mist. Kaminari squinted his eyes. "Same bullshit." "Idiot" Karma whispered as he stuck his head out through his mist and back to the center of the room.

"You say your single right?" "Yea whats it to ya. Jiro dumped me." Karma froze in place as an ominous aura filled the room. everyone started noticing Karma's eye sockets squinted more as if shaping them to become sharp and more fangs grew on his mouth. "Oh really? A difference between and Socio and A psycho like me is that a socio would lack the skill to do this. " Karma said taking Kaminari's phone out from his pocket.

"Lets take a trip down the contacts list shall we? Or maybe the messages. how about....... BOTH!" his smile grew even wider as his eyes squinted further. "Give that back." "Oh? getting defensive now are we? may I question what for?" Karma's smile grew wider. "I said give that back!" Kaminari stood up charging in electricity as a threat.

"Ok ok you got me." He said holding the phone out but one hand behind his head. Kaminari went to grab the phone but Karma swiftly pulled it back. "not!" He yelled as he threw and knife slicing a small cut into Kaminari's cheek. Karma was flipping a knife on the other hand.

"The next wont miss." He said transforming to his normal face. "Shock and you die,l. you choice." "KARMA THIS IS NOT PLEASANT BEHAVIOR YOU WILL STOP THIS AT ONCE!" Iida yelled chopping air. "Iida. I prefer not to hurt anyone here especially you. Your a good student. But............... DONT INTERFERE!" Karma said in a sinister voice putting his mist face on.

He then proceeded to unlock his phone using a trick that he learned since 13. He then goes to his messages and the first thing that shows up is Shiozaki with different emoji's. He opens the message pile and scrolls up to when the conversation began yesterday. He took 5 pictures after he turned the ringer off and sent it in the 1-A group without him knowing.

He then tossed his phone back to him. "A wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning." he said as he walked out of the common room hearing shit like. "KAMINARI WHAT THE FUCK!" and punching sounds.

He opens his room door and he sees the one thing he hates. She is crying. He got on the bed and crawled to her and wrapped himself around her from behind. "Im sorry im late." He said in a sad tone.

She let go the pillow and turned her self around to his chest and cried in it. " I love y-you Neku..... y-you will be t-the only one who will u-understand me." she said crying into his chest. "I love you too Kyo."

Best girl P.O.V

I sat there and cried into his chest. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU DUDE!" I heard a faint scream coming from the common room. But I didn't care I just wanted to be up against his chest. I then rub my hand on his cut at the center of his chest and kiss it.

"They sound like they are having fun. You should go..." I said. He then pulls me over and we are laying on the bed. We started to cuddle each other. "No........ Your all the fun I need." He said kissing my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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