23. Tanghulu candy

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Ling Xiao stares Li Yan and the latter feels goosebumps. When a Villainess reacts like that. The man usually ends up dead.

She asks, "What's the point of letting you follow me?"

"I still have your leader in my hands."

"I could just kill you. Or torture you until you gave him to me."

Li Yan gulps. The coldness in her eyes. This woman has a fair amount of blood in her hands. She isn't a delicate flower like his ex-fiancee.

He immediately says, "I could be anything. All you ever needed."

She folds her head and tilts her head.

She comments, "Good. I need an obedient slave right now."

This is the reason Li Yan squats down and begins to cook meals when they settle down to camp for the night. He has no money. She would provide food and shelter. He could only repay with his body a.k.a a human laborer.

Ling Xiao snorts when she tastes his cooking. It's edible. Tasty enough. It isn't the most delicious foods in her life. It's okay. It's like a home cooking, it gives warmth to the eater.

Li Yan stares her with unblinking eyes as if he's waiting for praises.

Ling Xiao only says, "You worked hard."

She kinda missed her puppy. The adorable and annoying mutt has disappeared. She has hoped he would tag her as usual. Maybe he got detained somewhere.

Li Yan looks disappointed when he eats his meal. He had done his best efforts. Not enough to earn a praise from her.

They are packing up when they hear commotion up ahead. Metal clashing sounds. People are fighting right now.

Li Yan dashes to take a peek.

A beautiful woman is fighting against five robbers. She could have won easily using her skills. One of the robbers tosses sand to her eyes.

Li Yan kicks him away before the robber stabs her. He helps her eliminate them.

He smiles when he asks, "Are you okay?"

He smiles when he asks, "Are you okay?"

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He evades a sword aimed to his neck. He uses his special footwork moves to avoid her ferocious attacks.

"Hey, Lady! I helped you kill them!"

"You must be one of them! Can't fool me!"

She is a beautiful and ruthless woman.

Li Yan shakes his head. He evades her attack again.

He says, "I'm leaving. No need to say thank you."

The woman puts her sword back into it's sheath after he has left.

The woman puts her sword back into it's sheath after he has left

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