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"I'm happy to present Ms. Vivian Black!!"

I hear Marco say from outside as I walk opening the door only to see everyone staring up at me from where I am on the steps. It's so quiet that you can hear the waves crashing against the sides of the boat as I turn to head down the stairs as I lock eyes with James all dressed up in a black suit with his hair brushed back neatly. As I step on the last two steps he places his arm out for me to take it as I do. He walks me over to where the crew is all neatly dressed in their best suits or dress clothes.  We both spot Marco and Mary from a distance as they smile at us when the music starts playing as James leads me through the dance floor as he and I start dancing with everyone else as a couple of slow songs come on. 

"Mary did well, you look beautiful doll." James smirks, making me blush again. 

"You look amazing yourself."

 I whisper to him, placing a kiss on his cheek and wrapping my arms around his neck now, and placing my head on his chest. He and I dance together till the sun starts to set, we notice that everyone has left the deck as it's now the two of us. 

"I want to show you something." 

He says stopping as I then look up at him again, not sure what he's about to do really. He takes my hand as he leads me to another part of the deck only for me to see a table set up for the two of us. I was speechless at how beautiful this is and how amazing he is. I walk up to where it is only for him to place a hand at the small of my back as I look back towards him over my shoulder smiling. 


I turn my body only as I kiss him passionately as I card my fingers through his hair lovingly as his arms wrap around me too. I break the kiss after a bit, just staring at him. 

"I love you..." 

I smile at him, he does the same before he keeps an arm around me as he walks me over to my spot and helps me by pulling the chair out for me like a gentleman. He then sits in his own chair after pushing mine in slightly, he kisses my hand when smiling making me blush again. He and I eat, as we talk about a number of things before we finished about a little later. We watch the sunset James's arms around me from behind lightly kissing my shoulder a few times as we just stand there silently. 

"You put them up to this didn't you?" I ask him softly now. 

"Yes, but I wanted to do something special for you because you mean the whole world to me, Vivian." He tells me, smiling. 

"As you to me, James." 

Now placing a kiss on his cheek as I turn around so I'm close to his chest. He and I dance for a bit, as the stars glow above us in the sky. I lean into him as we dance having my head on where his chest meets his shoulder. He spins me a couple of times and dips me at the end right as the song ends. I was beginning to get a little cold after we were standing there, and I think he could tell that because he warps his suit jacket around me as we head back to our table. Sitting down as we hold hands and talk for a while before I was starting to get tired. 

     Back in our cabin, he helps me with the back of my dress as I then head into the bathroom we had in our cabin as I change into some sweats and a baggie shirt that Clint had gotten me before I left. I braid my hair after brushing it out and washing my face to take the make-up off and also brushing my teeth. I then walk out of the bathroom putting my things back into my backpack and heading over to where James is sitting with the journal that I've seen him looking through a lot lately, mostly it's hin either reading/looking through it or even drawing or writing. I've been doing the same thing too.  I got to sit next to him, placing a hand on his arm to get his attention as I see the clock on my phone says it's way past midnight for us. I curl up against his side as we talk for a bit before I fall asleep.