The Return

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Cisco POV

This has been a crazy few months with Barry leaving, with me being Vibe, Wally taking the mantle but decided to go with the name Kid Flash, with our newest member Hawk girl


Harry- What is it Ramon

Cisco- Breach room hurry!

We all rushed thereto see a girl in Black suit and a man in White Suit

Cisco- Who are you

???- I am Alex and this is White Lantern

White Lantern- We need your help

Wally- Why do you think, we'll help

Alex- *sigh* Just take off your ring

The White dude nodded

*Removes the ring*

Barry- Hello guys it's been far too long

Everyone- Barry!

Barry- Come on let's go in the cortex and call everyone


3rd POV

Wally- What happened to you?

*slid his ring back*

Barry- A lot

Caitlin- Man just look at you

Barry- *laugh* Have you called everyone

Cisco- Just race over there and call a meeting

Barry- *sigh* I-I don't use my speed anymore

Everyone looked shock

Cisco- How, why

Barry- In my line of work I never really needed my speed

Wally- How did you know I have powers?

Barry- I felt it

Wally- Why did you come back?

Barry- I'll explain everything once everyone is in the S.T.A.R Labs hanger

Cisco- Ok, we'll meet you their

Barry nodded

S.T.A.R Labs hanger

Oliver- So why did you call us here

Sara- This better be important

Alex and White Lantern start walking in

Ray- Who are those

Cisco- This is Alex and White Lantern, they-

White Lantern- We need your help

Sara- What makes you think we'll help you

White Lantern sighs and removes his ring

Oliver- Barry?

Barry- Hello Ollie

Ray- we though you're missing

Barry- No I'm just in another Earth

Oliver- Start explaining on what happened

Barry sighs and slid the ring back

Barry- Here in goes, few months ago my father was killed, then I was broken, I thought of time travelling but I changed my mind and then I went to Earth 38, the Earth where Alex lives, I was running then went to a rooftop sitting thinking of what will happen to me next, but then a White Lantern like me came up to me and said that I am chosen, I trained for months until I was dispatched to the Earth and I helped the others but one day my fellow hero was taken and we followed the signature up until here

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