The King Of The Sea

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-Kara Loft-

3rd POV

Kara woke up to see a Barry staring at her

Barry- Good morning babe

Kara- Morning, I had fun last night

Barry- I did too, you were really good

Kara- Never underestimates the power of a kryptonian in bed

Barry kissed Kara; it's getting more and more heated, Kara is now on top of Barry

Barry- Now?

Kara- Shut up and kiss me

After their session Kara rushed to the bathroom because she saw it's already getting late

Barry- Kar... honey I will make breakfast

Kara- Thanks babe

After Kara took a shower

Kara- So what are your plans

Barry- I don't know maybe more recruitments

Kara- Who?

Barry- Maybe all the heroes in Earth-1

Kara- That's a good plan, but you plan on getting a job

Barry- Don't worry, I already have job in NCPD

Kara- Good, I don't wanna be the only person who's spending money for the both of us

Barry- You know that I had planned on making S.T.A.R Labs into a museum

Kara- Why not rebuild it into a lab again

Barry- You know, that's not bad

Kara- why not make it happen already

Barry- After I de-

Barry phone rang

Barry- Hello

Clark- It's me Barry we need you and Kara, JL alert

Barry- we'll be right there

Kara- Sup

Barry- JL Alert, I hope you take a leave

Kara- Oh we will get fired after this

Barry- Definitely, Let's go to the HQ

Kara- Wait... We have an HQ


Bruce- We need to head out me and Clark will go find Dr. Choi the rest find Atlantis

Kara- Wait seriously

Clark- Yes cuz, Atlanteans attack mid vale yesterday

Barry- So we should find them

Kara- Probably for the best

Diana- Let's not forget about Arthur Curry

Kara- who is he?

Diana- Arthur Curry the chosen one the rightful king of Atlantis

Barry- Man we have a weird job

Kara- Babe this is what we do

Clark cleared his throat

Barry- Sorry... Back to the job

Bruce- Ok let's head out

-Outskirt of Smallville-

White Lantern- I found him

Supergirl- Stay there WL

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