The Lantern and The Lightning

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Barry Allen           Kara Danvers

Billy Batson          Cisco Ramon

3rd POV

Kara- so I'm going to see the DEO first before I see Zatanna

Barry- same goes for me, I'm going to visit S.T.A.R Labs first then head out

Kara- bye

Barry- bye

Barry kissed Kara

Barry flew to S.T.A.R Labs

S.T.A.R Labs

Barry walked in

Barry- hey dude

Cisco- hey men so what's the agenda for today

Barry- I need to visit this Shazam guy

Cisco- wait the one in Fawcett City

Barry- you know him

Cisco- no... just heard stories

Barry- ok just going to head out

Cisco- be careful, you don't know what havoc is out there since the merge

Barry- I will don't worry

Cisco- see you later Barr

Barry- see you call me if you need me

Cisco- don't worry team kid-flash got it cover

Barry- thank you, I'll see you guys

Cisco- bye bro

Barry- bye

Barry flew to Fawcett City

He saw a lightning at was about to hit him, but he quickly made a shield, converting the blast, and throwing it back to him

Shazam- ouch!!!

White Lantern- kid I don't wanna fight you

Shazam- who said I am a kid

White Lantern- Billy Batson, 14 years old kid

Shazam- how did...

White Lantern- you can't hide anything from me

Shazam- how about I zap you

White Lantern- then the whole Justice League will attack you as code red

Shazam- you're only strong because of those League guys, without them your weak

White Lantern- oh really, then break out of this

White Lantern made hand that wrap around Shazam

White Lantern- what's the problem Shazam can't get out of my grip

Shazam go full power but still can't get out of his grip

Shazam- I-I can't, what's this

White Lantern- a fact, even Superman can't get out of those

Shazam- let me go and fght me

White Lantern- fine if I win you will hear me out

Shazam- and if I win you will never bother me again

White Lantern- Deal

Shazam rushed White Lantern but White Lantern catch Shazam and slam him to the ground

White Lantern- you're dead

Shazam- no you're dead, SHAZAM!

A huge lighting came down but with White Lantern's reflex he got out of the way

Billy- Yes I win

White Lantern- are you sure kid

Billy- how did you survive that

White Lantern- like what I said, White Lantern like me are the strongest

Billy- And why is that

White Lantern- because we have a power of life

Billy- Woah, so I'll hear you out, I guess

White Lantern- Look I am here to r-


White Lantern- let's get going, you morph now

Billy- got it SHAZAM, let's go White Lantern

White Lantern- call me Barry

Shazam- ok let's go


A guy in black suit shooting lightning everywhere

White Lantern- who's that

Shazam- no clue at all

???- Shazam I am here to kill you

White Lantern- what can't be good

White Lantern- who are you

???- call me Black Adam

White Lantern- Kahndaq...

Shazam- what???

Black Adam- how did you know that name

White Lantern- heard of it, an ancient one

Black Adam- than you know my powers

White Lantern- yes, it's similar to Shazam

Black Adam- yes, that's why I will kill him

Shazam- Ha, If you can

Shazam rushed Black Adam with White Lantern trailing behind him, Shazam got shot in the chest and got punched few miles away, Black Adam hit White Lantern but was deflected and punched Black Adam in the face knocking him back, Black Adam shot another blast at White Lantern but was delected again, but Black Adam punched White Lantern that knocking him back from a far, Shazam came rushing in and punched Black Adam and kicked him in the gut as he is prepairing Black Adam blast him sending him from a far again, White Lantern rushed Black Adam and made a machine gun that made Black Adam dizzy

Black Adam- what magic is this

White Lantern- it's called Emotional Spectrum

White Lantern made a tank and smashed him, and Shazam came and used a full powered lighting to knock him out

Shazam- that was hard

White Lantern- tell me about it

Shazam- so what do you wanna talk about again

White Lantern- right, would you wanna join the league

Shazam- are you kidding, of course I'd love too

White Lantern- great I'll call you once it's decided

Shazam- see you Barry

White Lantern- see you Shazam

White Lantern flew and got back to his and Kara's apartment and started cooking as Kara arrived

Barry- so how's the trip

Kara- she agreed

Barry- good, good

Kara- How's your trip?

Barry- He was stubborn but he agreed

Barry wnet and kissed Kara the kiss is getting intense until Kara broke it

Kara- the food Barry

Barry- the food will be later

Kara- ok, kiss me

The night was full of love and session


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