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"How's it feel?" 

Sebastian threw the ball back to his friend. It was mid-September and one of the last nice days they'd get from Ohio until April. The fact that it landed on a Sunday when they didn't have to waste it in class made them decide to go outside and use it to their advantage. "What?" he asked. 

"We all know you're going to become Captain of the Warblers," Thad said. "Since Cass is transferring out in November, we have to fill the position."

"Please," Sebastian scoffed. "I've been on the team for- what? Three weeks."

Sebastian caught the ball as it came back at him.

"You're awesome at it," Thad said. "Almost a natural. And you've got the leadership skills."

"Everyone on the Warblers is awesome at it," Sebastian said. "They wouldn't be on it if they weren't. Besides, doesn't Cass get first choice on the new captain? He'll probably pick what's-his-name."

"Chris joined because Cass joined," Thad said. "He probably won't stay when Cass leaves. I think I heard him talking to some senior about it the other day."

Sebastian shook his head. "At this rate we won't have enough Warblers to compete."

"Bull," Thad said. "We've got fifteen, that'll drop us to thirteen. We need twelve. Besides, people jump at the chance to join, in the off chance we need someone."

"Why don't you want to be captain?" Sebastian asked.

"A lot of work," Thad said. "You'd do better."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Shoulda guessed," he said.

"I'm in six AP classes," Thad said. "All I need is more on top of that."

"I'm in those same classes," Sebastian pointed out.

"And passing all of them," Thad said.

"We're three weeks in," Sebastian deadpanned. "Everyone should be passing still."

"Key word: should," Thad said.

"You're joking," Sebastian said.

"Apparently we had homework over the summer," Thad said.

A bewildered expression crossed Sebastian's face. "You didn't do it? Dude."

"I was out at the end of last year, remember?" Thad said. "I missed the part where they gave it to us, I guess."

"I guess you also missed the part where I was talking about it over the summer, too."

"You talked about a lot of things over the summer. Guess it just got mixed in there."

Sebastian sighed. "I think I need better friends."

"You love me," Thad replied.

"That's a very strong word," he said.

"Yeah, whatever," Thad rolled his eyes. "You know, it's a shame Dalton doesn't have a football team, you'd be good at it."

"You're basing this off the fact that I can throw this thing," Sebastian said, waving the ball a little bit, then threw it back. "I know almost nothing about football, and am perfectly okay with that. I like lacrosse perfectly fine."

"Weirdo," Thad said. "Football is, like, 90% of American culture."

"Yeah, well, I spent over half my life in France," Sebastian said. "We don't really do football, soccer's the big thing."

"We taught you lacrosse, maybe we could teach you football," Thad said.

"For what reason? Like you said, we don't have a team," Sebastian said. Thad shrugged.

"For fun," was his response.

Sebastian shook his head. "Yeah, okay," he said. Sebastian looked up at the sky when a cloud drifted in front of the sun, blocking its light. Then his eyes drifted to the dark clouds on the horizon.

"That looks like a nasty storm," Thad said. 

"I didn't see a storm on the forecast today," Sebastian frowned. "It's not even supposed to rain."

"Guess it was wrong," Thad said.

"Maybe we should head in," Sebastian said. "I need to shut my windows."

"I think it's almost dinner anyway," Thad said. Sebastian tossed the ball back to Thad as they walked over to the tree where they'd laid their stuff down.


"What are you doing?"

"This is his favorite song."

"How could you possibly know that?"


Sorry that it's been a hot minute guys, I was at summer camp for the last two months (I have no excuses for the time before that) Anyway, this is a little short, kind of a filler, but the next chapter should be longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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