chapter three

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05:00 am -- sunday -- (the next day)

Dream's pov

I start to wake up, I open my eyes to see Cross' bare chest. My face heats up and I know my cheeks are bright yellow. I try to turn my body away from Cross' bones but he has his arms around me, and I can't move too far without waking him up. I turn my head away from Cross, so his ribs were not in my face.

"how did I get here" I wondered, then the memories of yesterday came flooding back. Hot tears start flooding out of my eyes. I move my hands to my face to hide my tears

"how could G do that, I thought we were friends?"

Cross' pov 

I wake up to Dreamy crying next to me. I pull him into my chest when he tries to sit up, and wrap my arms around him and start rubbing his back 

"shhh~ your okay, everything's okay, I'm here. Just go back to sleep"  I say this while looking down at his face, I could feel my own cheeks turning purple when I saw he looked like a very flustered lemon. He looks up at me with his big, wide, adorable eyes and I smile at him. Dreamy smiles back, then pulls himself closer to my chest, curling up into a little ball. His face buried into my chest.

"He's perfect ,"  I think  "small, cute  and mine, all mine"  A sinister grin creeps onto my face as i think the last part. "Dream is mine and only mine no one else can have him, not G, not anyone  I nuzzle my face into his neck and soon I start to hear soft little snores coming from Dreamy. I soon fall asleep as well, thinking how beautiful my Dream would be in a wedding dress, and in my arms.

"I'm coming for you G....................just you wait" 

word count: 319 

sorry for the short chapter 

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