Hangout with the bully

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Ok this is like super late and IM REALLY REALLY SORRY BUT ITS HERE NOW SO YAY


Y/n sighed after she gotten out of the shower. She still couldn't believe shes going on a date with know that idiot. She cant stand him he's so.....yeah no. After drying her hair y/n went to her closet to grab some clothes to get dress.

(^ what you'll be wearing if you dont like it its ok)

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(^ what you'll be wearing if you dont like it its ok)

"I still can't believe im going to hangout with him" she said tying her shoes up. "Like literally anybody besides I'll rather go on another date with Izuku"


"Did i...."

Before she can finish ranting to her self she heard a knock at the door "COMING" she called back after putting her earrings in.

"He-" after opening she wanted to slam it shut. There stood the guy she couldn't stand since middle school.

"Um hey?..." he spoke. She only crossed her arms looking him up and down. "Do i really have to go on a 'date' with are so...." she looked him up and down with a disgusted face.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean!?!" He raised his voice getting angry. The girl only shrugged with a smile. "Eh im grabbing by bag then we can leave" she went inside shutting the door in his face going back to her room.

She grabbed her bag and looked into the bathroom mirror with a sigh. "Its only one little hangout you'll be just fine" she told herself before walking back out to the blonde male.

"DID YOU JUST-" he was going to start yelling at her but she only walked past him.

"Lets go bakagou" she said. He didnt say anything back and  only followed her without uttering a single word.

when the hell did you get so pretty y/n and hella badass he thought to himself looking at the girls figure as she walked to his car. (Writing that made me feel some type of way i- ok anyways)


They didn't really do anything for this so called date of theirs Bakugou had taken y/n to a pretty café that wasn't too far away from her house just so they can catch up i guess? (I the author don't even know what im writing at this point)

"So y/n have you been? You" he started speaking while drinking his tea and not looking at the (h/c) girl.

"Dude, are you ok? You seem off like deadass" she said getting annoyed by how slow hes talking and how nervous he sounds.

"Im fine the fuck are you talking about" he shot back. She only rolled her eyes and stared at him "you sound nervous as hell and you're speaking way too fucking slow its kinda pissing me off"

"Tch....sorry i guess" he mumbled. Y/n eyes widen. Did she hear him right? "What did you just say?" She asked

"Nothing shorty" he said going back to drinking his tea.

"Shorty? Bitch i grew"

"What by 2cm?"

Y/n dramatically gasped staring at him. "Did you just come at my height like that? Still rude as hell i see"

"Im not rude" he spat at her crossing his arms. It was silent for a few moments as y/n stared at him before laughing for a good five minutes.

"Tch. Hahahaha laugh all you want"

"Ok that was a good one! Yeah you're funny ill give it to ya" she said wiping her tears. Bakugou only rolled his eyes staring her up and down.

"Wanna go to an arcade or something this place is boring" he asked the girl who just finished eating a muffin after laughing for so long. Y/n replied with a shrug.

"Sure why not it wont kill anybody unless you're planning on killing me if i beat you in a few games" she said as he took a offense

"I would never"

"Yeah ok but lets go. But since you're taking be out today you have to pay there to so lets go" she said grabbing her bag before pulling his wrist and leaving. They didn't bother taking the car because the arcade wasn't that far.

And who knew a lot of shit would go down between them two during that time.....

Yesss im leaving you on a bad cliff hanger and what about it 👀
This was rushed and very short im sorry 😅😅 but i hope you guys are having a great night or day! Until next time!!

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