Last Nights Fun vs Morning Hell

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***JASE PV***


My alarm goes off at 6:45 a.m. and i immediately sit up in my bed. I smile as I remember everything that happened last night


"Oh Gabby" I said as we began kissing again. I walked us back to my penthouse with her wrapped around my neck and waist. As soon as I entered Into it I headed straight to my guest bedroom.

"Wait!" she said climbing down from me

"What, whats wrong?" I ask worried

"Um i don't want to, you know, until im married." she says with a blush of embarrassment

"You know? ... what do you...ohhhh" I say finally getting it.

"Why is that?" I ask confused and not use to women not wanting to have sex with me or at all period.

"It's just what I believe in, until I know for sure that me and the person im with are one and we are married. I want to wait on it." she says looking me straight in the eyes

"You are truly one of a kind Gabby, I never met someone like you." I say and meaning it.

"Well can i have somemore of your kisses then?" I ask looking down at her smiling

"You surley can Mr.King." Once again that gets a deep growl from me since it's such a turn on. I start kissing her some more and she starts giggling saying can you stop growling you sound like a dog

breaking the kiss I say"Sorry Gabs, Its just what you do to me.", seriously. Her breathe hitches and I start kissing her neck and mouth once again.

After an hour of kissing we finally get tired and stop to catch our breath. We sit in silence staring up at my ceiling and after 5 minutes I look over to see Gabby's eyes closed.

"Gabby?" I ask

"Hm?" She says peaking at me through her eyelids

"Will you sleep beside me tonightt?" I ask her

"Sorry Jase, but I dont do that either." Gabby says smiling at me and getting up to leave. Stunned I watch her exit my room and call out

"Come on are you serious?" she starts laughing loudly and I hear my front door shut. Wow this is different I think to myself.

As I exit the shower after waking up and thinking about the events of last night, I hear a knock at my door.


I hurriedly throw on some basketball shorts and a tank. rushing to the door I swing it open only to see it's my assistant Rebecca.

"Oh hey Becca, Whats up?" I say

"I just came to tell you your father switched your photoshoot to tomorrow, and he wanted you to show the new girl around today. Also he says to make sure you teach her everything she needs to know about King Inc. and that her quote has to be in by next Monday.

Rebecca is saying all of this and checking it off in her notepad as she goes. I just nod my head to everything. I get excited about spending more time with Gabby, but don't let it show since I have to turn into my business man mode.

I didn't realize she had coffee in her hand a brown paper bag. So I ask

"Is that for me?"

"Oh yes my apologies here is your favorite Jase Chocolate chip pancakes and Coffee." She says smiling brightly handing it to me

"Thank you my good lady." I say accepting it and taking out my phone looking at my email. I was about to turn around until I looked up saw Gabby come behind Rebecca


As I get off the elevator to Jase's penthouse I spot the tall sun kissed woman that i remember from the hospital standing just outside his door. Hmm what is she doing here so early. As I near them I hear Jase talking to her

"Thank you my good lady." I hear him say, so i decided to walk behind her

"Gabby! Hey come in." He tells me and I walk around her and next to Jase.

"You look nice." He says winking at me since Im wearing the outfit he bought me from Gucci

"Thank you." I say blushing

Looking up I smile at Rebecca and I notice that she isn't smiling anymore.

"Um hi Im Gabriella, I remember you from the hospital your his assistant correct." I say while holding out my hand. She looks at it, but doesn't take it which Jase doesn't notice since he is on his cellphone now.

she only nods her head. Taking back my hand I switch to one foot from the other because there is a major awkward silence between us which again Jase doesn't notice because he is on his phone.

"I'll be back guys I need to change and then we can leave." Jase says taking a sip of his coffee and setting the brown paper bag he had on the counter

As soon as he leaves the room Rebecca steps closer to me

"Well well look at what the streets dragged in. Your trash and as soon as Jase realize that he's gonna leave you in the dust." she says pretending shes blowing dust off her hand

"Excuse me?" I ask squinting my eyes at her "You will not talk to me like that, I thought you were very beautiful, but i can see your stank ass attitude made you look like shit."

"Shit? Ha now thats funny just like you had all over your clothes from when Jase found you. Be honest you have nothing and your just trying to use him like everyone else, but guess what little girl, he's mine and when I show him that you'll be gone. Poof." She says, Wow this girl and her expressions.

"You got some nerve..." I was just about to continue until Jase hollered that he was ready.

Smirking at me she hollers back "Ok Jase ill call your driver and tell him your ready."

"THANK YOU MY LADY." He says back and she leaves the room saying

"This isn't over."

"Damn right." I say back. What in the hell have I gotten myself into?....
A/N: Hey guys what you think about this chapter? hopefully you enjoyed it, Please comment and vote Mwah!

-xoxoxo, Kay

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