Back to Reality

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Once Miranda had got back home and went back to reality she just kept thinking about the Kiss between her an Ben.
"Hey Torres do you know what this big meeting is about with the the chief" Miranda said with a yawn.
Calliope Torres was one of Miranda's friends since residency, they knew everything about each other.
"I'm not really sure I was just about to ask you that since you are so tight with the chief".
"Please just because we are friends doesn't mean I know every move he is gonna make".
"Yeah ok, you have been his pet since day one of working here".
"Shut up Torres" Miranda said as they walked into a conference room.
"Ok so most of you probably don't know but we are merging with Mercy West, now some of you may be laid off. I know this may come to a surprise but I would just like to tell the ones who are being laid off will have a note in their locker with a great recommendation for their next job. Anyways the merger will be in one week from today, thanks for your time and now you all have jobs to get back to so go" The chief said this as sentimental as possible.
Miranda didn't really have to be worried about being fired because she really did have a close relationship with the chief. Miranda thought about the merger for a second and all of the sudden it hit her Ben works at Mercy West, she wondered if he was coming to Grey Sloan or if he had been fired. She had really hoped that he was along with the people merging because she really needed to talk to him.
"Hey chief I have a question, do you know if Ben Warren is coming along with the people from the merger" Miranda asked trying not to sound so nosey.
"Uhmm the name sounds familiar but why does it concern you Dr.Bailey" Chief Webber said sounding very concerned.
"Oh no reason just a friend from a long time ago".
Miranda knew she shouldn't lie but she didn't want her personal business all over the hospital.
"Ok well I'll try and let you know at the end of your shift if he is coming along".
"Ok thanks chief".
"No problem Bailey".
Miranda knew she was making a mistake asking her mentor if her little hookup was coming along with the merger but she didn't really care because she did really want to talk to him.
"So Bailey did you meet anybody while you were in Bermuda" ask Callie with a slight smirk on her face.
"I was waiting for that but I did meet a handsome guy but it didn't really go anywhere".
"Well you have to put yourself out there Bailey, I mean not every guy is gonna chase after you".
"Your right but I don't know really how to talk to guys without being like mean or rude".
"It takes practice since you only have been with one guy in your entire life but you did divorce him".
"Watch it Torres" Miranda said with an attitude.
"Damn sorry Miranda, oh whoops gotta go I'm being paged".
It had come to the end of Miranda's shift, she finished four appendectomy's and two lap colis. Miranda changed out of her scrubs into a pair of jeans and a pink blouse, once she got dressed she headed to the chiefs office.
"Hey chief did you ever find the answer to my question from earlier".
"Yes I did Bailey and it seems to be your friend is coming along with the merger."
Miranda sighed in relief.
"Ok thanks chief have a good night".
"You to Bailey but are you sure Dr.Warren is just a friend" Richard said while raising his eyebrows.
"Yes of course sir he is just a friend".
"Ok Bailey see you later".
"Bye chief".
Miranda walked out of the hospital with her heart racing about a hundred miles an hour because she was nervous to see Ben but also very excited. Once Miranda got home she settled on the couch with some cereal and a class of water. Once Miranda finished her bowl of cereal, she trotted upstairs, put on some pajama and fell right asleep as she put her head on her pillow.

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