Just A Dream {Rewrite} {Act 1}

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Ok so I used to have a book up on my acc called "Just A dream" and it was my first fanfic. I deleted it because the writing was awful and I didn't wanna update it- but I really wanna write a oneshot rn but I have writers block so I'm doing this to get myself out of writers block. It will only be the first 3 chapters that I posted in this collection

To Tella the feeling of being in her head with images of passion and smells of wonder had become an almost second sense. Her body somehow knew when she was dreaming, due to who that entailed would be near. If her soul was confirmation enough, the dress was.

A golden blue bodice clung to her sides, fitting every curve and heartbroken shape perfectly. Deep hues of ivy's and roses up lined the many layers of skirts surrounding her hips- swaying as she walked. Bright lights reflected off small diamonds attached to the top of her bodice, lining a neckline that resembled a heart. Grey linen wrapped around the thick fabric, giving everything an almost somber effect. Not usually something Legend preferred her in, but perhaps he was experimenting.

Tella had always loved extravagant things. Dresses, jewelry, and objects of the sorts consistently kept her attention. However, the word extravagant wasn't suitable for what she wore tonight.

It reminded her of how Legend had looked like when he'd surprised her in the Vanished Market after coming back to life. Appearing like she had just crawled out of the grave to get to someone. Indeed, the princess seemed to resemble a corpse bride tonight.

Beautiful the gown was, but it seemed to simple to be associated with Legend. Until stars clustered and fell from the sky, landing themselves on the garment. A pure mix of silver and gold, a combination so stunning Tella couldn't put in words to describe it. It resembled the night sky all to well- some stars forming galaxies, while others strayed away be themselves.

She didn't notice where she was until she looked up from the dress fitted for a goddess.

The air smelled of love- an aroma Legend now seemed favor when it came to her dreams. Soft grass glowed pale green in the moonlight, with small wildflowers scattered about its curves. Moonlight replaced water in a stream as it trailed through leaving golden hued fish swimming downstream.

She took a step, planning to explore it, until she heard an awfully familiar voice.

"Hello, Donatella"

Words were not something that could describe Legend's face. It was one of the few beautiful things in life you had to see in person to truly understand. But it seemed, not even in person could Tella fully drink him in when surrounded by glow faeries and the moonlights secrets.

She smiled, "Hello, Legend"

"What sort of trouble could make you smile so devilishly?"

"I wouldn't be the girl you fell in love with if I wasn't causing trouble, would I?"

"You are irrefutably correct, my love"- he held out a hand-" I remember wanting to dance with that girl once but never got a chance"

Tella placed her palm in his, "what stopped you from asking me the first time?"

He didn't answer at first- it seemed his eyes were captivated in hers. His hands felt all to wanting. As if he could be locked in an unbreakable room with her, and still fear there wouldn't be enough time. Obsession seemed like a soft word for his piercing gaze. But she swayed with him, she would do it all night if he wished.

"A prince danced with her"

She tilted her head, "What a pity"

Tella remembered faintly of the night they spoke of. The most she recalls is the way Legends callouses felt on her hands as he escorted her to the ballroom. Somewhere in the back of her deepest thoughts the Prince of Hearts was there. Consuming every last part of her until the was nothing left to share. But she refused to even try to remember. After the Fallen Star died and the Fates escaped Valenda, Tella had made it clear she didn't want to have to think about them again.

Which made it strange that Legend had brought it up.

Especially that he had brought him up.

"Where do you think he is?"

They stopped swaying and for a moment Tella could've swore the world around her flashed a instantsinous white. Legends eyes pierced hers with a look that has no doubt fooled to many into believing him.

"In front of you, my darling"

Her face stayed serious as she spoke, "It seems you've been thinking of me if you entered my dreams"

The look he gave Tella was one she had never seen on Legend before, and never wanted to. A smile only the devil himself could've worn.

"I'm not here because I miss you. I'm here because I want something from you".

She looked at him with inquisitive eyes, "and what would that be?"

He smirked, "wake up and find out"

Tell me if you guys want me to continue to write this I wanna know what u think,

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