#27 - TulMax

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When Max woke up he saw Tul was already awake and staring intently at the ceiling, his one hand folded under his head while his other hand Max had had clutched in his own while he had slept.

"Good morning!" Max murmured scooting closer and placing a kiss on Tul's bare shoulder.

"Good morning baby!" Tul murmured back, lightly chucking Max under the chin with his finger, as Max still had his hand clutched in his own hugging it close to his warm chest.

Max couldn't stop feeling amused. He had now given up trying to make Tul stop calling him baby. He was not just getting used to Tul calling him baby but secretly he even liked it.

He once again kissed Tul's bare shoulder and asked, "What you thinking about?"

"Sek!" was the unexpected reply.

Just for a moment Max froze, but then relaxed. He remembered the private discussion that Sek and Tul had had the previous day. He had later asked Tul about it, but Tul had just kissed him and said he would tell him later.

When Max remained silent, Tul hurriedly continued. He most certainly didn't want Max to get any weird ideas in his head. "What I meant is, I am thinking about what Sek said yesterday. Did you know that Ten and he are not boyfriends and that Ten has been just using him?"

Max shifted slightly to look at Tul. "No, I didn't know that. I always assumed that they were a couple. After all, even after I happened to find Sek cheating on me and we broke up, he never stopped meeting up with Ten. And I know that because I would bump into them quite often at first. In the beginning it felt like they were rubbing it in my face or something."

"Did it bother you?" Tul questioned.

Max was running his finger over Tul's chest and stomach, tracing the contours of his hard muscles.

"I guess Ten's betrayal bothered me more than Sek's infidelity." Max drew in a steadying breath before continuing, "Tul, Ten was to me what Tomo is to you. But where Mo's friendship and love for you is pure and transparent, Ten's was always dark and dangerous. Where you and Mo are like twins, me and Ten were like opposite ends of a stick. I could never really fathom him. It was like some love hate relationship between us, right from the very beginning."

"Did you ever feel like he was obsessed with you?" Tul queried.

Max laughed. "Tul he is one of the most self-centered bastards that I have had the misfortune to encounter in my life. Do you really thing someone like him can feel some obsessive kind of love towards some average person, like me?"

"Hey! I disagree to that." Tul said in protest. "You know you really are blind and stupid right?" Tul continued, turning on his side and pulling Max closer. "Maybe I should show you how special you are."

Without another word Tul rolled on top of Max and straddled his hips. At the same time he drew the tank top over his head and tossed it aside. A moment later Max's shirt met the tank top on the floor.

Tul captured Max's wrists and held his arms above his head with one hand.

Max squirmed and demanded Tul to let go of him. "Please Tullie stoppp...", Max begged as Tul tickled him with his free hand while nuzzling his face against Max's neck.

"Make me!" Tul teased blowing warm air into Max's ears and making him go wild and squirm.

Max lifted his hips slightly to grind against Tul's, wanting more contact with Tul's heated length which he could feel brush against his own through the layers of clothes.

Max moaned and made guttural sounds at the back of his throat before once again continuing his begging, "Please P'Tul let me gooo... Pleaseeee..."

That only made Tul laugh. It was obvious that Max didn't need help getting away from him and was just faking the whole distressed tone. The two of them were well matched physically.

Forever or Never (TulMax / MaxTul) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now