#28 - End Game

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"Max Nooo!" Tul screamed, watching in horror as the bullet hit Max and he fell.

It is believed by many that when you are dying you can see your life flash before your eyes.

Does the same apply when you see your beloved being shot and see him collapse, was all that Tul could wonder as the happenings of the past few hours flashed in front of his eyes.

Why didn't I stop him? Why didn't I tell him the money wasn't important? Why did he take the bullet which was meant for me?

The questions & regrets running through his mind had Tul immobilized. His body was numb from the shock and he just couldn't move.

A few hours before...

"Tul I am going to meet Mr. Tom. Hopefully we will be done with this whole mess by the end of the week." Max was telling Tul while counting the cash in the till before handing over the key to Farm who was hovering close by.

"Max...," Tul called out Max's name. He had been feeling restless and on edge since the moment Max had received the phone call from Pluem, while they had been lingering over their breakfast after the thoroughly enjoyable morning.

If Max was feeling sore from all the heavy morning activity it didn't show. Instead, Max had been glowing and looked happy and positive. Tul didn't really want to burst his happy bubble or say something that might wipe that smile from his face.

Max looked at him questioningly.

"Max... I... Its just that... Can you..." Tul stuttered. Not quite sure what to say. He himself was not sure why he was feeling this way.

The introduction with Mr. Tom had finally been arranged by another one of Max's juniors who were also holidaying in Phuket with the twins. And the information regarding Frame who it seems was going to be arriving in RaWai tonight had come from an informant of officer Pluem. So in a way Tul felt a little relived that neither Ten nor Sek nor any of Max's ex-friends were involved in this.

But his conversation with Sek had left him a little unsettled. He couldn't quite understand Sek's blind love for Ten. Even though Sek was being repeatedly abused by Ten, Sek still chose to side with him. During their brief discussion Sek had told him that he loved Ten even though Ten didn't reciprocate his feelings. He had some misguided belief that someday Ten will realize his true feelings. Till then he was willing to do anything to make Ten happy.

"Tul! Tulll! Are you okay? What happened?" Max asked giving Tul's shoulder a little shake. "Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go home?" Max asked in concern, placing the back of his hand against Tul's throat to check his temperature.

"Yes, Maxii I am okay. It's just that... I am just..." Once again Tul dithered around. He finally took a deep breath and said, "Max, can you just forget this whole thing. Please! I don't want you to go anywhere."

"Tul, it's okay! Everything is going to be fine. I already spoke to Mr. Tom on the phone and he is ready to help. In fact, he seems to be super excited about it. And Pluem is also quite confident that we will be able to nab Frame without much ado, possibly red handed while he thinks he is trying to con Mr. Tom." Max said with a reassuring smile. "I am just going to hash out the plan with Mr. Tom & Pluem. And the twins have also agreed to help. So there is no reason to worry."

Tul nodded in understanding and even attempted a half hearted smile. "I will come with you."

"Tul we already agreed that the less you are involved the better it is. We don't want Frame to realize that he is being setup. I don't want him to once again disappear. As it is, it was a pleasant surprise when today morning Pluem called and said Frame was headed to RaWai. Like fate is finally on our side."

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